Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/82

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PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975


Potomac River b a s i n study, transmittal to Congress.

Study, transmittal to Congress.

Mississippi River and tribut a r i e s, project modification. 49 Stat. 1575, 1580.

Chatfiel(J Dam, South Platte River, Colo., project modification.

Rogue River B a s i n, Oreg. and Calif., project modification. 76 Stat. 1 192.

PUBLIC LAW 93-251-MAR. 7, 1974

[88 STAT.

limited to, furnishing suitable fill material obtained from the Potomac Kiver or its tributaries, its placement, upon request, and engineering and technical services. (b) The Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, is authorized and directed to make an investigation and study of the siltation and sedimentation problems of the Potomac Eiver basin with particular emphasis on these problems as they exist in the Washington metropolitan area of the basin. This study is to be made in consultation with the Departments of Interior and Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency, and other interested Federal, State, and local entities and is to include, but need not be limited to, a description of the extent of such problems together with the Chief of Engineers' recommendations on feasible and environmentally sound methods of removing polluted river bed materials to enhance water quality, recreation use, fish and wildlife, navigation, and the esthetics of the basin, as well as his recommendations on alternative methods and sites for the proper disposal of such materials. The Secretary of the Army shall transmit this study and the Chief of Engineers' recommendations to the Congress no later than three years from the date of enactment of this Act. SEC. 87. The comprehensive plan for flood control and other purposes for the Mississippi River and tributaries, approved by the Flood Control Act of June 15, 1936, as amended, is hereby modified to provide that the channel of Bavou Courtableau be enlarged from Washington to the west protection levee in lieu of the authorized Washington to Courtableau diversion, and that the right-of-way and spoil areas therefor be provided at Federal expense. Further, that additional culverts through the west protection levee be provided as necessarv for the increased flow. SEC. 88. (a) The project for flood control below Chatfield Dam on the South Platte River, Colorado, authorized by the Flood Control Act of 1950 (64 Stat. 175), is hereby modified to authorize the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, to participate with nonFederal interests in the acquisition of lands and interests therein and in the development of recreational facilities immediately downstream of the Chatfield Dam, in lieu of a portion of the authorized channel improvement, for the purpose of flood control and recreation. (b) Such participation shall (1) consist of the amount of savings realized by the United States, as determined by the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers, in not constructing that portion of the authorized channel improvement below the dam, together with such share of any land acquisition and recreation development costs, over and above that amount, that the Secretary of the Army determines is comparable to the share available under similar Federal programs providing financial assistance for recreation and open spaces, (2) in the instance of the aforementioned land acquisition, be restricted to those lands deemed necessary by the Secretary of the Army for flood control purposes, and (3) not otherwise reduce the local cooperation required under the project. (c) Prior to the furnishing of the participation authorized by this Act, non-Federal interests shall enter into a binding written agreement with the Secretary of the Army to prevent any encroachments in needed flood plain detention areas which would reduce their capability for flood detention and recreation. SEC. 89. The project for the Rogue River Basin, Oregon and California, as authorized in section 203 of the Flood Control Act of 1962 (Public Law 87-874) is modified to provide that construction of the Applegate Lake, Oregon project may commence prior to non-Federal interests making necessary arrangements with the Secretary of the