Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 1.djvu/98

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PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975


PUBLIC LAW 93-258-APR. 2, 1974

Eligible family members.

[88 STAT.

(c) Eligible family members shall include the deceased's widow, children, stepchildren, mother, father, stepfather and stepmother, or if none of these shall desire to be granted such benefits, the deceased's brothers, sisters, half brothers and half sisters. Approved March 29, 1974.

Public Law 93-258 April 2, 1974 [H. R. 5236]

AN ACT To provide for the conveyance of certain mineral interests of the United States in property in Utah to the record owners of the surface of that property.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ut^h!^ *^°"*^' United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Certain mineral of the Interior shall convey to those persons who, on the date of enactinterests, conment of this Act, are the record owners of the surface rights thereof, veyance. ^^ ^^ ^j^^ helrs, successors, or assigns of such person or persons, all mineral interests reserved to the United States in and to the real property consisting of twenty acres and more particularly described in section 2 of this Act. Boundaries. SEC. 2. The real property referred to in the first section of this Act is situated in Utah County, Utah, and is more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point south 151.8 feet and west 0.27 feet from the north quarter corner of section 17, township 5 south, range 2 east, 3alt Lake base and meridian, and running thence south 89 degrees 54 minutes east 62.0 feet; thence north 0 degree 06 minutes east 152.1 feet; thence north 89 degrees 29 minutes 44 seconds east 70 feet; thence south 0 degree 06 minutes west 165.62 feet; thence south 89 degrees 54 minutes east 164.97 feet; thence north 0 degree 06 minutes east 137 feet; thence north 89 degrees 51 minutes east 16.5 feet; thence south 0 degree 06 minutes west 137 feet; thence south 39 degrees 20 minutes west 135 feet; thence south 51 degrees 07 minutes east 660 feet; thence north 88 degrees 40 minutes west 268.8 feet; thence south 0 degree 28 minutes 30 seconds west 1262.9 feet along a fence line; thence north 89 degrees 46 minutes west 364.2 feet; thence south 89 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds west 133.2 feet; thence north 1 degree 17 minutes 30 seconds east 1323.2 feet; thence east 4.34 feet; thence north 0 degree 06 minutes east 466.7 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. Administrative SEC. 3. The Secretary shall require the deposit of a sum of money costs. which he deems sufficient to cover estimated administrative costs of this Act. If a conveyance is not made pursuant to this Act, and the administrative costs exceed the deposit, the Secretary shall bill the applicant for the outstanding amount, but if the amount of the deposit exceeds the actual administrative costs, the Secretary shall refund the excess. Application. SEC. 4. No conveyance shall be made unless application for conveyance is filed with the Secretary within six months of the date of approval of this Act and unless within the time specified by him payment is made to the Secretary of (1) administrative costs of the conveyance and (2) the fair market value of the interest to be conveyed. The amount of the payment required shall be the difference between the amount deposited and the full amount required to be paid under this section. If the amount deposited exceeds the full amount required to be paid, the applicant shall be given a credit or refund for the excess.