Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/264

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[88 STAT. 1580]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 1580]

1580 38 USC 1696.

Allowance computation. 38 USC 1732.

38 USC 1742. Special training allowance.

Correspondence courses. 38 USC 1786. On-job-training allowance. 38 USC 1787.

PUBLIC LAW 93-508-DEC. 3, 1974



and (5) by striking out in section 1696(b) "$220" and inserting in lieu thereof "$260". SEC. 103. Chapter 35 of title 38, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1) by amending section 1732(a)(1) to read as follows: " (a)(1) The educational assistance allowance on behalf of an eligible person who is pursuing a program of education consisting of institutional courses shall be computed at the rate prescribed in section 1682(a)(1) of this title for full-time, three-quarter-time, or half-time pursuit, as appropriate, of an institutional program by an eligible veteran with no dependents."; (2) by striking out in section 1732(a)(2) all after and including "of (A) " and inserting in lieu thereof "prescribed in section 1682(b)(2) of this title for less-than-half-time pursuit of an institutional program by an eligible veteran."; (3) by striking out in section 1732(b) "$177" and inserting in lieu thereof "$209"; and (4) by amending section 1742(a) to read as follows: " (a) While the eligible person is enrolled in and pursuing a full-time course of special restorative training, the parent or guardian shall be entitled to receive on behalf of such person a special training allowance computed at the basic rate of $260 per month. If the charges for tuition and fees applicable to any such course are more than $82 per calendar month, the basic monthly allowance may be increased by the amount that such charges exceed $82 a month, upon election by the parent or guardian of the eligible person to have such person's period of entitlement reduced by one day for each $8.69 that the special training allowance paid exceeds the basic monthly allowance.". SEC. 104. Chapter 36 of title 38, United States Code, is amended as follows: (1) by striking out in section 1786(a)(2) "$220" and inserting in lieu thereof "$260"; (2) by amending the table contained in paragraph (1) of section 1787(b) to read as follows: "Column I

Column II

Column III

Column IV

Column V

Periods of training

No dependents

One dependent

Two dependents

More than two dependents

$232 184 137 90

The amount in column IV, plus the following for each dependent in excess of two: $9 9 9 9";

First 6 months Second 6 months Third 6 months.Fourth and any succeeding 6-month periods-

$189 142 96 47

$212 164 117 70

and (3) by amending section 1787(b)(2) to read as follows: "(2) The monthly training assistance allowance of an eligible person pursuing a program described under subsection (a) shall be