Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/41

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[88 STAT. xli]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. xli]


Congress. Joint meeting Constitution of the United States. Printing as House document; additional copies House of Representatives and Senate. Adjournment from February 7-13, 1974 and February 8-18, 1974, respectively Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf, report. Printing as Senate document; additional copies Child Abu^e Prevention, hearings. Printing of additional copies Commission on the Bankruptcy Laws of the United States, report. Printing of additional copies "Disclosure of Corporate Ownership." Printing as Senate document; additional copies "Confidence and Concern: Citizens View American Government—A Survey of Public Attitudes." Printing of additional copies J. Edgar Hoover—Tributes. Printing as Senate document; additional copies Senate. Adjournment from March 13-19, 1974 Veterans' Benefits Calculator. Printing of additional copies "Foreign Policy Implications of the Energy Crisis," hearings. Printing of additional copies House of Representatives and Senate. Adjournment from April 11-22, 1974 H. R. 11793. Correction in bill enrollment Two Hundredth-Anniversary of the First Continental Congress—Day of National Observance House of Representatives and Senate. Adjournment from May 23-28, 1974, and May 22-28, 1974, respectively "Surgeon General's Report by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Television and Social Behavior," hearings. Printing of additional copies "Summary of Veterans Legislation Reported, NinetyThird Congress." Printing of copies "To Save the Children: Nutritional Intervention Through Supplemental Feeding." Printing of additional copies "Our Flag." Printing as House document; additional copies "Our American Government. What Is Itf How Does It Work?" Printing as House document; additional copies Honor America—Flag Day to Independence Day Biomedical and behavioral research training—conference papers. Cori^eB,s\ons\8\^m%otd\vg\\c&iQs. Presidential election of 1972, illegal, improper, or unethical activities, hearings. Printing of additional copies House of Representatives and Senate. Adjournment from July 3-9, 1974, and June 27-July 8, 1974, respectively Earl Warren—funeral services. Catafalque, transfer. "State Postsecondary Education Commissions," hearings

Con. Res. H. Con. Res. 413

Date Jan. 22, 1974.—

Pajje 2397

H. Con. Res. 184

Feb. 7, 1974


H. Con. Res. 425

Feb. 7, 1974


S. Con. Res. 55

Mar. 4, 1974


S. Con. Res. 56

Mar. 4, 1974


S. Con. Res. 58

Mar. 4, 1974


S. Con. Res. 59

Mar. 4, 1974


S. Con. Res. 61

Mar. 4, 1974


S. Con. Res. 64 S. Con. Res. 75

Mar. 4, 1974 Mar. 13, 1974. _.

2399 2399

H. Con. Res. 78

Mar. 26, 1974...


H. Con. Res. 397

Mar. 26, 1974...


H. Con. Res. 475 H. Con. Res. 485

Apr. 11, 1974... May 7, 1974

2400 2400

S. Con. Res. 85

May 16, 1974—


H. Con. Res. 501

May 22, 1974...


S. Con. Res. 83

May 23, 1974...


H. Con. Res. 415

June 5, 1974


S. Con. Res. 73

June 6, 1974


H. Con. Res. 454

June 17, 1974...


H. Con. Res. 455 H. Con. Res. 537

June 17, 1974... June 17, 1974—

2403 2404

S. Con. Res. 94

June 26, 1974—


S. Con. Res. 86

June 26, 1974...


S. Con. Res. 96 S. Con. Res. 101

June 27, 1974... July 10, 1974

2404 2405

H. Con. Res. 445

July 15, 1974... 2405 xli