Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/47

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[88 STAT. 1363]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 1363]

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-448-OCT. 17, 1974


Public Law 93-447 AN ACT

October 17, 1974

To redesignate the Alamogordo Dam and Reservoir, New Mexico, as Sumner Dam and Lake Sumner, respectively.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Alamo- ^^^^°^^°l%^^ gordo Dam and Keservoir, New Mexico, referred to in the Act of N. MCX. August 11, 1939 (53 Stat. 1414), are redesignated as Sumner Dam and ^3 USC^^oT^' Lake Sumner, respectively. Any law, regulation, map, document, note. record, or other paper of the United States in which such dam or reservoir is referred to shall be held to refer to such dam as Sumner Dam or such reservoir as Lake Sumner. Approved October 17, 1974. Public Law 93-448 JOINT RESOLUTION

October 17, 1974

Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 1975, and for other [H. J. Res. ii67] purposes.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That (a) clause (c) of sec- Continuing ap. tion 102 of the joint resolution of June 30, 1974 (Public Law 93-324), XeTp°"284 is hereby amended by striking out "September 30, 1974" and inserting in lieu thereof "sine die adjournment of the second session of the Ninety-third Congress". (b) Clause (a) of such section is amended by inserting immediately after "joint resolution" the following: "or, in the case of the United States Information Agency, enactment of authorizations of appropriations for fiscal year 1975 for that Agency". SEC. 2. Section 101(e) of such joint resolution is amended by ^"'«'P-28i. striking out "first quarter" and inserting in lieu thereof "quarterly". SEC. 3. The fourth unnumbered clause of section 101(b) of such joint resolution, relating to foreign assistance and related programs appropriations, is amended by striking out all that follows "as amended" and inserting in lieu thereof ": Provided, That in computing the current rate of operations of military assistance there shall be included the amount of obligations incurred in Department of Defense appropriations during the fiscal year 1974 for military assistance to Laos;". SEC. 4. Such joint resolution is amended by adding at the end thereof, Honduras, Ban•1 » n . "' the following new

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g l a d e s h, and Cyprus, relief

"SEC. 112. Notwithstanding any other provision of this joint reso- fun^^s. lution or any other Act, the President is authorized to use funds made available for foreign assistance by this joint resolution but not to exceed $15,000,000, to provide, on such terms and conditions as he may determine, relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction assistance in connection with the damage caused by floods in Honduras and Bangladesh and by civil strife in Cyprus.". SEC. 5. Such joint resolution is amended by addinff at the end thereof s°""^ Vietnam, .1

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fertilizer purchase,

the following new section: restriction. "SEC. 113. None of the funds made available for foreign assistance by this joint resolution may be used to purchase fertilizer in the United States for export to South Vietnam.". SEC. 6. None of the funds herein made available shall be obligated Turkey, military or expended for military assistance, or for sales of defense articles uon's^.*^"^' ^""'*^* and services (whether for cash or by credit, guaranty, or any other means) or for the transportation of any military equipment or supplies