Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/667

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[88 STAT. 1983]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 1983]

88 STAT. ]

PUBLIC LAW 93-618-JAN. 3, 1975

United States or adversely affect the United States economy, or that the imposition of such barriers is likely to result in such a burden, restriction, or effect, and that the purposes of this Act will be promoted thereby, the President, during the 5-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act, may enter into trade agreements with foreign countries or instrumentalities providing for the harmonization, reduction, or elimination of such barriers (or other distortions) or providing for the prohibition of or limitations on the imposition of such barriers (or other distortions), (c) Before the President enters into any trade agreement under this section providing for the harmonization, reduction, or elimination of a barrier to (or other distortion of) international trade, he shall consult with the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Finance of the Senate, and with each committee of the House and the Senate and each joint committee of the Congress which has jurisdiction over legislation involving subject matters which would be affected by such trade agreement. Such consultation shall include all matters relating to the implementation of such trade agreement as provided in subsections (d) and (e). If it is proposed to implement such trade agreement, together with one or more other trade agreements entered into under this section, in a single implementing bill, such consultation shall include the desirability and feasibility of such proposed implementation. (d) Whenever the President enters into a trade agreement under this section providing for the harmonization, reduction, or elimination of a barrier to (or other distortion of) international trade, he shall submit such agreement, together with a draft of an implementing bill (described in section 151(b)) and a statement of any administrative action proposed to implement such agreement, to the Congress as provided in subsection (e), and such agreement shall enter into force with respect to the United States only if the provisions of subsection (e) are complied with and the implementing bill submitted by the President is enacted into law. (e) Each tiude agi^eement submitted to the Congress under this subsection shall enter into force with respect to the United States if (and only if) — (1) the President, not less than 90 days before the day on which he enters into such trade agreement, notifies the House of Representatives and the Senate of his intention to enter into such an agreement, and promptly thereafter publishes notice of such intention in the Federal Register; (2) after entering into the agreement, the President transmits a document to the House of Representatives and to the Senate containing a copy of such agreement together with— (A) a draft of an implementing bill and a statement of any administrative action proposed to implement such agreement, and an explanation as to how the implementing bill and proposed administrative action change or affect existing law, and (B) a statement of his reasons as to how the agreement serves the interests of United States commerce and as tQ why the implementing bill and proposed administrative action is required or appropriate to carry out the agreement; and (3) the implementing bill is enacted into law. (f) To insure that a foreign country or instrumentality which receives benefits under a trade agreement entered into under this section is subject to the obligations imposed by such agreement, the President may recommend to Congress in the implementing bill and statement of administrative action submitted with respect to such


Trade agreements with foreign countries.

Consultation with c o n g r e s s i o n a l committees.

Agreement, bill draft, and statement, submittal to Congress.


Notice to Cong r e s s; publication in Federal R e g i s ter.

Copy, t r a n s mittal to Congress.

Recommendations to C o n g r e s s.