Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 88 Part 2.djvu/750

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[88 STAT. 2066]
PUBLIC LAW 93-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
[88 STAT. 2066]


Report to Congress.

PUBLIC LAW 93-618-JAN. 3, 1975



of such countries exceeds $5,000,000 during a calendar year, then all subsequent provisions of credits, guarantees or insurance in any amount, during such year shall be reported to the Board under the provisions of paragraph (1). (c) The Board shall submit to Congress a quarterly report on trade between the United States and nonmarket economy countries and instrumentalities of such countries. Such report shall include a review of the status of negotiations of bilateral trade agreements between the United States and such countries under this title, the activities of joint trade commissions created pursuant to such agreements, the resolution of commercial disputes between the United States and such countries, any exports from such countries which have caused disruption of United States markets, and recommendations for the promotion of east-west trade in the national interest of the United States.



The President may provide duty-free treatment for any eligible article from any beneficiary developing country in accordance with the provisions of this title. In taking any such action, the President shall have due regard for— (1) the effect such action will have on furthering the economic development of developing countries; (2) the extent to which other major developed countries are undertaking a comparable effort to assist developing countries by granting generalized preferences with respect to imports of products of such countries; and (3) the anticipated impact of such action on United States producers of like or directly competitive products. 19 USC 2462.


devfio"ln'^'co^n(^) ^^"^ ^^^ purposes of this title, the term "beneficiary developing try." country" means any country with respect to which there is in effect an Executive order by the President of the United States designating such country as a beneficiary developing country for purposes of this title. Before the President designates any country as a beneficiary developing country for purposes of this title, he shall notify the House of Representatives and the Senate of his intention to make such designation, together with the considerations entering into such decision. (2) If the President has designated any country as a beneficiary developing country for purposes of this title, he shall not terminate such designation (either by issuing an Executive order for that purpose or by issuing an Executive order which has the effect of terminating such designation) unless, at least 60 days before such termination, he has notified the House of Representatives and the Senate and has notified such country of his intention to terminate such designation, together with the considerations entering into such decision. "Country." (g) jQr purposes of this title, the term "country" means any foreign country, any overseas dependent territory or possession of a foreign country, or the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. I n the case of an association of countries which is a free trade area or customs union, the President may by Executive order provide that all members of such association other than members which are barred from designation under subsection (b) shall be treated as one country for purposes of this title.