Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/1042

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

89 STAT. 982


For expenses necessary in carrying out a program for the preservation of additional historic properties throughout the Nation, as authorized by law (16 U.S.C. 461-467, 470), and investigations, studies, and salvage of archeological values, $^24,666,000, to remain available until expended. For "Preservation of historic properties" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, $6,040,000, to remain available until expended. JOHN F. KENNEDY CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS

For expenses necessary for operating and maintaining the nonperforming arts functions of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, $2,575,000. For "John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, $741,000. P L A N N I N G, DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATION OF RECREATION FACILITIES

16 USC 460Z-5 note16 USC 460/-6a.

For construction, operation, and maintenance of outdoor recreation facilities, without regard to the Act of August 24, 1912, as amended (16 U.S.C. 451); including collection of special recreation use fees, to remain available until expended, $14,000,000, to be derived from the special receipt accounts established by section 1(b) of the Act of July 15, 1968, (82 Stat. 354), and section 4(e) of the Act of July 11, 1972 (86 Stat. 461): Provided, That not more than 40 per centum of ^.j^^ amount credited pursuant to section 4(e) of the Act of July 11, 1972, shall be available for the enhancement of the fee collection system established by section 4 of such Act, including the promotion and enforcement thereof. For "Planning, development and operation of recreation facilities" for the period July 1, 1976, through September 30, 1976, $5,000,000, to remain available until expended. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS

Appropriations for the National Park Service shall be available for the purchase of not to exceed three hundred eighty-three passenger motor vehicles, of which two hundred sixty-three shall be for replacement only, including not to exceed two hundred twenty-four for police-type use; purchase of one aircraft (for replacement only); and to provide, notwithstanding any other provision of law, at a cost not exceeding $100,000, transportation for children in nearby communities to and from any unit of the National Park System used in connection with organized recreation and interpretive programs of the National Park Service: Provided, That any funds available to the National Park Service may be used, with the approval of the Secretary, to maintain law and order in emergency and other unforeseen law enforcement situations in the National Park System; and to provide insurance on official motor vehicles and aircraft operated by the National Park Service in Mexico and Canada.