Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/1142

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

8 9 STAT. 1082

PUBLIC LAW 94-188—DEC. 31, 1975

of releases, consents, waivers, or similar instruments respecting siich lands, but the Secretary may require security as he deems appropriate for any such indemnification agreement.". (5) Subsection (d) is amended to read as follows: " (d) No moneys authorized by this Act shall be expended for the purposes of reclaiming, improving, g r a d i n g, seeding, or reforestation of strip-mined areas, except on lands owned by Federal, State, or local government bodies or by private nonprofit entities organized under State law to be used for public recreation, conservation, community facilities, or public housing.". SEC. 113. Section 207 of the Appalachian Regional Development Grants and loans for housing Act of 1965 (40 A p p. U.S.C. 207) is amended as follows: projects. (1) Subsection (a) is amended to read as follows: " (a) I n order to encourage and facilitate the construction or rehabilitation of housing to meet the needs of low- and moderate-income families and individuals, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (hereafter in this section referred to as the 'Secretary') is authorized to make grants and loans from the Appalachian Housing F u n d established by this section, under such terms and conditions as he may prescribe, to nonprofit, limited dividend, or cooperative organizations, and public bodies, for planning and obtaining federally insured mortgage financing or other financial assistance for housing construction or rehabilitation projects for low- and moderate-income families and individuals, under section 221 of the National Housing Act, section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, section 515 12 USC 1715/. 42 USC 1408. of the Housing Act of 1949, or any other law of similar purpose 42 USC 1485. administered by the Secretary or any other department, agency, or instrumentality of the Federal or State government, in any area of the Appalachian region determined by the Commission." (2) Subsection (c)(2) is amended to read as follows: " (2) The Secretary is authorized to make grants and commitments for grants, and may advance funds under such terms and conditions as he may require, to nonprofit, limited dividend, or cooperative organizations and public bodies for reasonable site development costs and necessary offsite improvements, such as sewer and water line extensions, whenever such a grant, commitment, or advance is essential to the economic feasibility of any housing construction or rehabilitation project for low- and moderate-income families and individuals which otherwise meets the requirements for assistance under this section, except that no such g r a n t for the construction of housing, shall exceed 10 per centum of the cost of such project, and no such g r a n t for the rehabilitation of housing shall exceed 10 per centum of the reasonable value of such rehabilitation housing, as determined by the Secretary.". (3) Subsection (e) is amended by inserting before the period at the end, the following: " and may provide funds to the States for making g r a n t s and loans to nonprofit, limited dividend, or cooperative organizations and public bodies for the purposes for which the Secretary is authorized to provide funds under this section". (4) By a d d i n g the following new subsection (f): " (f) Program s and projects assisted under this section shall be sub40 USC app. 402. ject to the provisions cited in section 402 of the Act, notwithstanding such section, to the extent provided in the laws authorizing assistance for low- and moderate-income housing.". Vocational SEC. 114. Section 211 of the Appalachian Regional Development education Act of 1965 (40 A p p. U.S.C. 214) is amended as follows: facilities. 40 USC app. 211.