Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/1214

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

89 STAT. 1154 43 USC 1621. Appropriation authorization.

43 USC 1611. Report to Congress.

43 USC 1620. 43 USC 1606. 43 USC 1607. 26 USC 2031, 2033. 43 USC 1618 note. 43 USC 1613.

43 USC 1601 note. Appropriation authorization.

43 USC 1611 note.

43 eFR app.

PUBLIC LAW 94-204—JAN. 2, 1976 as if those conveyances were made pursuant to section 22(f) of the Settlement Act, except that dedicated or platted section line easements and highway and other rights-of-way may be reserved to the State. (g) The Secretary, through the National Park Service, shall provide financial assistance, not to exceed $25,000, hereby authorized to be appropriated, and technical assistance to the Region for the purpose of developing and implementing a land use plan for the west side of Cook Inlet, including an analysis of alternative uses of such lands. (h) Village Corporations within the Cook Inlet Region shall have until December 18, 1976, to file selections under section 12(b) of the Settlement Act, notwithstanding any provision of that Act to the contrary. (i) The Secretary shall report to the Congress by April 15, 1976, on the implementation of this section. If the State fails to agree to engage in a transfer with the Federal Government, pursuant to subsection (a)(1), the Secretary shall prior to December 18, 1976, make no conveyance of the lands that were to be conveyed to the Region in this section, nor shall he convey prior to such date the Point Campbell, Point Woronzof, and Campbell tracts, so that the Congress is not precluded from fashioning an appropriate remedy. In the event that the State fails to agree as aforesaid, all rights of the Region that may have been extinguished by this section shall be restored. SEC. 13. Section 21 of the Settlement Act is amended by adding the following subsection at the end thereof: "(f) Until January 1, 1992, stock of any Regional Corporation organized pursuant to section 7, including the right to receive distributions under subsection 7(i), and stock of any Village Corporation organized pursuant to section 8 shall not be includable in the gross estate of a decedent under sections 2031 and 2033, or any successor provisions, of the Internal Revenue Code.". SEC. 14. (a) The Secretary shall pay, by grant, $250,000 to each of the corporations established pursuant to section 14(h)(3) of the Settlement Act. (b) The Secretary shall pay, by grant, $100,000 to each of the following Village Corporations: (1) Arctic Village; (2) Elim; h) Gambell; (4) Savoonga; (5) Tetlin;and (6) Venetie. _ (c) Funds authorized under this section may be used only for planning, development, and other purposes for which the corporations set forth in subsections (a) and (b) are organized under the Settlement Act. (d) There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary for the purpose of this section a sum of $1,600,000 in fiscal year 1976. SEC. 15. (a) The Secretary shall convey under sections 12(a)(1) and 14(f) of the Settlement Act to Koniag, Incorporated, a Regional Corporation established pursuant to section 7 of said Act, such of the subsurface estate, other than title to or the right to remove gravel and common varieties of minerals and materials, as is selected by said corporation from lands withdrawn by Public Land Order 5397 for identification for selection by it located in the following described area; Township 36 south, range 52 west; Township 37 south, range 51 west;