Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/1290

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

89 STAT. 1230

PROCLAMATION 4341—JAN. 23, 1975 was paid has been manufactured into asphalt; (vii) where refund of a license fee is called for by reason of the same having been improperly charged."

19 USC 1862

(3) Paragraph (b) of section 3 is amended to read as follows:


" (b) Applications for allocations and licenses for imports subject to fee under this section shall be accompanied by the applicant's certified check, or a cashier's check, payable to the order of the Treasurer of the United States in the amount chargeable pursuant to this section, or by a bond with a surety on the list of acceptable sureties on Federal bonds maintained by the Bureau of Government Financial Operations, Department of the Treasury, in a sum not less than the amount chargeable pursuant to this section, conditioned upon payment of such amount to the order of the Treasurer of the United States, by the last day of the month following the month in which such imports were released from customs custody or entered or withdrawn from warehouse, whichever occurs first, or within such other period as the Administrator shall specify. In the event that such bond is terminated or the face value of the bond is reduced below the outstanding liability of licenses issued pursuant to the bond, the Administrator shall immediately revoke all licenses issued pursuant to the bond. Except as to a department, establishment or agency of the United States, applications not accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or bond in the amount required shall not be considered. Payment of fees by or for the account of a department, establishment, or agency of the United States shall be accomplished by transfers, as appropriate, from appropriation accounts available to such department, establishment, or agency, to the suspense account provided by subparagraph (1) of paragraph (c) of this section." (4) Subparagraph (1) of paragraph (c) of section 3 is amended to read as follows: " (c)(1) All monies received by the Administrator under the terms of paragraph (b) of this section shall be held by the Administrator in a suspense account and may be drawn upon by the Administrator for the payment of refundable license fees. Balances remaining in such suspense account and not required to he reserved for payments hereinabove provided shall be deposited at the end of each fiscal year in the Treasury of the United States and credited to miscellaneous receipts." (5) Subparagraph (2) of paragraph (c) of section 3 is redesignated as subparagraph (3) and a new subparagraph (2) is added to para-