Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/1292

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

89 STAT. 1232

PROCLAMATION 4341—JAN. 23, 1975 tion, and surveillance of the mandatory oil import program, and shall, from time to time, in consultation with the Secretaries of State and the Treasury and other federal agencies as appropriate, review the status of imports of petroleum and its primary derivatives in respect to the national security. In this connection, he shall inform the President of any circumstances which might indicate the need for further Presidential action under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 (19 U.S.C. 1862), as amended."

19 USC 1862 note.

(g) Section 11 is redesignated as section 8 and is amended by adding after the words "fee" or "fees", wherever they shall appear, the phrase "under section 3(a)(1)(i) - ( i i) ", and by deleting the proviso. (h) Section 12 is redesignated as section 9, and is amended by substituting a comma for the period, and by adding the words "except that all such allocations shall be subject to the payment of fees prescribed by section 3(a)(1) (iii) of this Proclamation." (i) Section 13 is redesignated as section 10. (j) Section 14 is deleted. (k) Section 15 is redesignated as section 11 and is amended by adding, after the last paragraph, the following paragraphs: " (m) The term 'Administrator' means the Administrator of the Federal Energy Administration, or his delegate.

15 USC 751


" (n) The term 'Old Oil Allocation Program' means the program adopted pursuant to the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973 for Allocation of Old Oil, 39 F.R. 42246 (December 4, 1974), 10 C.F.R. 211.67." (1) Section 16 is redesignated as section 12, and is amended to read as follows: 12. Effective with respect to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption on or after February 1, 1975, tariffs upon imports of petroleum products listed in schedule 4, part 10—"Petroleum, natural gas, and products derived therefrom"—of the Tariff Schedules of the United States shall be and are reinstated." "SECTION

19 USC 1202.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-third day of January, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred seventy-five, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and ninety-ninth. GERALD R.