Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/1436

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975



Congress, Reports to—Continued Congress, Reports to —Continued Page Federal Energy Administration — Health, Education, and Welfare, Continued Department of—Continued Strategic Petroleum Reserve Nurses, supply and distribution Plan 882,886,889 within the United States; Federal Maritime Commission, requirements 368 energy conservation proRape, study 328 grams 939,940 W h i t e H o u s e C o n f e r e n c e on Federal Power Commission, enerHandicapped Individuals. gy conservation program s - . 939,940 See also 88 Stat. 1633 2-18 Federal Reserve System — Housing and Urban Development, Board of Governors, activities__ 156 Department of, e m e r g e n c y Home mortgage loan disclosure, homeowners' relief 253 feasibility study 1128 Interior, Department of the — I n t e r e s t r a t e differential, elimiAlaska Native Claims Settlenation or reduction 1124 ment Act, land conveyances, Monetary and credit aggregates, implementation 1154 determination 1194 Certain employees, financial disFederal Trade Commission — closure statement s 962 International energy program, Major oil companies, joint bidvoluntary agreements, imding, feasibility study 880 pact 898 I n t e r s t a t e Commerce CommissionPetroleum products, internaEnergy conservation program s. - 939, tional allocation, voluntary 940 agreements, impact 819 Rail services, addition or disconGeneral Accounting Office, New tinuance 91 York City, audit of accounts, books, etc 799 Japan-United States Friendship General Federation of Women's Commission 605 Clubs, audit of accounts 809 Joint Federal-State Land Use General Services Administration, P l a n n i n g Commission for travel expenses, mileage alAlaska 1149 lowances 86 Labor, Department of, emergency Health, Education, and Welfare, unemployment benefits proDepartment of— gram, study 238 Blind vendors, nationally adLibrary of Congress, American ministered retirement, penFolklife Center operations 1134 sion, and health insurance Management and Budget, Office system, study. See also 88 of, physicians and dentists, Stat. 1630 2-15 recruitment and retention in Centers on educational media the Federal government 673 and materials for the handiNational Advisory Council on Macapped 795 t e r n a l, Infant, and Fetal NuChild support programs, protrition, diet supplementation posed standard s 436 programs, study 521 Developmentally disabled perNational Center for Productivity sons 501,506 and Quality of Working L i f e.. 738Family planning programs 307 740 Malnutrition, research program, National Commission on the Obfeasibility study (84 Stat. s e r v a n c e of International 2080-6 [Supp.]) Prec. 2-1 Women's Year, 1975, National Medicare coverage of services Women's Conference, findings provided by optometrists, and recommendations 1005 study 1053