Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/1445

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

SUBJECT INDEX Education for the Handicapped, Page Bureau of, National Advisory Council on Services and Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled, ex officio member 499 "Education Laws, A Compilation of Federal", printing of additional copies 1195 Education of the Handicapped Act: Amendments — Architectural barriers, g r a n t s for removal 795 Educational media and materials for the handicapped, centers on 795 Employment of the handicapped 795 State entitlements, extension._ 773 Appropriation for effecting provisions 180,469 Education Professions Development Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 469 Education Provisions Act, General: Amendments, congressional disapproval of regulations 796 Appropriation for effecting provisions 468, 470-472, 996 Education Statistics, National Center for, public education programs for handicapped children, public information 791 Education Week, American, 1975, proclamation 1315 Educational and Cultural Exchange Act of 1961, Mutual, appropriation for effecting provisions 470, 616,617,638,639 Educational Exchange: Additional funds authorized 763 Appropriation for 203 Educational Exchange Act of 1948, United States Information and, appropriation for effecting provisions 638 Educational Opportunity, National Advisory Council on Equality of, extension 233 Egypt: Assistance to, participation by other countries 869 Sinai agreement, early-warning system, implementation 572 Eisenhower College, N.Y., appropriation for payment to 442


Elderly, Committee on Mental Health Page and Hlness of the, appointment __ 347 Elderly Persons: Consumer and homemaker education programs

727 Housing, appropriation for 582 Nutrition programs for 718 Older American Community Service Employment Act 720 Older Americans Act of 1965. See separate title. Older Americans Amendments of 1975 713 Older Americans Comprehensive Services Amendments of 1973, amendment. Senior Opportunities and Services Programs, extension 726 Older Americans Month, 1975, proclamation 1268 "Election Campaign Laws Relating to the United States House of Representatives, Federal", printing as House document 1199 Elections: Federal Election Campaign Act Amendments of 1974, appropriation for effecting provisions 79, 450 Federal Election Commission, appropriation for 79, 450 Overseas Citizens Voting Rights Act of 1975 1142 Voting Rights Act of 1965, amendmentsBilingual election requirements 402 Eighteen-year old voting age, enforcement 405 Language minorities, discrimination prohibition 401 Tests or devices, suspension 400 Electrification Act of 1936, Rural: Amendments — Budget, testimony before congressional committees 677 REA g u a r a n t e e d loans 677 Appropriation for effecting provisions 656,657 Electrification Administration, Rural, appropriation for 656 Electronic Fund Transfers, National Commission on, submittal of reports 1124