Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/1448

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975



Epilepsy and Its Consequences, Com- Page mission for the Control of, establishment 348 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, appropriation for 189, 207,633 Executive Office Appropriations Act, 1976 445 Executive Office of the President. See Executive Office under President of the United States. Executive Protection Service: Foreign diplomatic missions, protection 1109 Size increase 1109 Executive Salary Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act 419 Export Administration Act of 1969, appropriation for effecting provisions 624 Export-Import Bank of the United States, appropriation for 24, 209

Family Medicine, Advisory Council on, establishment (84 Stat. 20804 [Supp.]) Prec. 2-1 Family Planning and Population Research Act of 1975 306 Family Planning Services and Population Research Act of 1970, repeal of certain provisions 307 Farm and Rural Development Act, Consolidated: Amendments — Emergency farm loans 381 Loan g u a r a n t e e, limitation 214 Appropriation for effecting provisions 655 Farm-City Week, National, 1975, proclamation 1312 Farm Credit Act of 1971, Amendments: Banks for Cooperatives, credit eligibility standard s, revision __ 1060 Production credit associations, access to Federal district courts 1060 Farm Credit Administration, appropriation for effecting provisions 666 Farm Safety Week, National, 1975, proclamation 1256

Farm Tenant Act, Bankhead-Jones, Page appropriation for effecting provisions 660 Farmer Cooperative Service, appropriation for 651 Farmers Home Administration: Appropriation for 173, 653, 826 Emergency farm loans 382 Father Marquette National Memorial, Mich,, establishment 848 Father's Day, 1975, proclamation 1274 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968, appropriation for effecting provisions 702 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1973, appropriation for effecting provisions 191, 700, 701, 703, 705 Federal-Aid Highway Amendments of 1974, appropriation for effecting provisions 702,703 Federal-Aid Highways: Appropriation for 702 Federal share, increase 171 Federal Aviation Act of 1958: Amendment, war risk insurance program, extension 439 Appropriation for effecting provisions 698-700, 707 Federal Aviation Administration: Appropriation for 190,204,698,839 Energy conservation policies and practices, study 939 Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971, appropriation for effecting provisions 697 Federal Bureau of Investigation, appropriation for 187, 202, 619 Federal Communications Commission, appropriation for 634, 838 Federal Council on the Arts and the Humanities, Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Act 844 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, appropriation for 652 Federal Deposit Insurance Act, Amendment, interest r a t e s, regulatory authority, extension 1124 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: Home mortgage disclosure system, research and improved methods 1127 Securities and Exchange Commission, delegation of authority from 140