Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/1491

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

SUBJECT INDEX Rosebud Sioux Tribe, S. Dak., lands Page held in t r u s t for 578 Routt and White River National Forests, Colo., F l a t Tops Wilderness, designation 802 Rural Areas: Highway demonstration program, appropriation for 701 Hospitals, medicare, nursing service 1051 Rural Development Act, Consolidated Farm and: Amendments — Emergency farm loans 381 Loan g u a r a n t e e, limitation 214 Appropriation for effecting provisions 655 Rural Development Act of 1972, appropriation for effecting provisions 646,647,655 Rural Electrification Act of 1936: Amendments — Budget, testimony before congressional committees 677 RE A g u a r a n t e e d loans 677 Appropriation for effecting provisions 656,657 Rural Electrification Administration, appropriation for 656 Rural Rehabilitation Corporation Trust Liquidation Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 655 S Sac and Fox Tribe of Indians, disposition of j u d g m e n t funds 1093 Safe Boating Week, National, 1975, proclamation 1244 Safe Drinking Water Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 176 Saint Elizabeth Seton Day, National: Designation 477 Proclamation 1293 Saint Elizabeths Hospital: Appropriation for 179 United States prisoners, reimbursement for support of 620 Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, appropriation for. _ 706 Saline Water Conversion Act of 1971, The, program, authorization of funds 217


Santa Ana River Basin, Calif., comprehensive plan, appropriation authorization 484 Save Your Vision Week, 1975, proclamation 1242 School Aid Act, Emergency: Amendment, National Advisory Council on Equality of Educational Opportunity, extension 233 Appropriation for effecting provisions 469 School Lunch Act, National. See National School Lunch Act. School Lunch Act and Child Nutrition Act of 1966, Amendments of 1975, National 511 School Lunch Week, National, 1975, proclamation 1296 Schools and Colleges: Busing, use of funds for, prohibition 209 Campus disrupters, denial of financial assistance 593,640 College work-study programs, availability of funds 233 Developmental disabilities services, university affiliated facilities 486 Eisenhower College, N.Y,, appropriation for payment to 442 Family medicine, g r a n t s to provide professional and technical t r a i n i n g (84 Stat. 2080-1 [Supp.]) Prec. 2-1 Famine prevention, research, g r a n t s, etc 861 Gallaudet College, D.C., appropriation for 181,472 Gerontology t r a i n i n g 718 Hoover Institute on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford University, Calif., appropriation for payment to 442 Howard University, D.C., appropriation for 181,472 Malnutrition, courses and research programs, feasibility study; g r a n t s (84 Stat. 2080-5 [Supp.]) Prec. 2-1 Metric system, inclusion in curriculum 1010 Nutrition education, cash g r a n t s for 528