Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/1493

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975



Securities Investor Protection Act of Page Senate —Continued Page 1970, Amendment, self-regulaAppropriations Committee —Con. » tory organizations, inspection.. 163 Reports to — Continued Security Council, National: President of the United States Appropriation for 446 Cambodian and Vietnamese Arms Control and Disarmament refugees, s t a t u s of 87 Agency, principal adviser 758 Disaster relief to droughtSelective Service System, approstricken African nations, priation for 593 comprehensive proposal. _ 850 Senate. See also Congress; LegislaArmed Services, Committee on, retive Branch of the Government. ports to — Adjournment 1194, Air Force, Department of the, 1198, 1200, 1202, 1206, 1208, 1209 e m e r g e n c y m i l i t a r y conAdjournment, sine die 1217 struction 556 Administrative provisions, approArmy, Department of the — priation for 273,831 Emergency military construcAeronautical and Space Sciences, tion 548 Committee on, reports to by Military construction, etc 548 NASADefense, Department of— Satellite services contracts 221 AEGIS fleet implementation Use of funds 219, 220 funding plan 544 Agriculture and Forestry, ComEmergency expenditures 538 mittee on — Emergency military construcAgriculture, Department of. Contion 558 solidated F a r m and Rural Military construction, e t c.. 559, 563 Development Act, budget esU.S. foreign policy and militimates, testimony 383 t a r y force 540 Environmental Protection Agency, Navy, Department of the, emerpesticide control, proposed gency military construcand final regulations, copy__ 753 tion 552 Reports to — Contingent expenses, appropriagriculture, Department of, tion for. - 182,194, 272, 282, 831, 834 emergency loans to liveEmployee travel expenses, per stock producers 214 diem 86 President of the United States, Finance, Committee on, report to by food production, needs, and Department of Health, Educaassistance, global assesstion, and Welfare, child supment 854 port programs. State plans 434 Rural Electrification Act of 1936, Foreign Relations, Committee o n budget for, testimony by SecAgricultural Development, Artir e t a r y of Agriculture 677 cles of Agreement for the International F u n d for, reAmerica n Indian Policy R e view Commission, appropriaview and approval 857 tion for 834 Cambodian and Vietnamese refAppropriation for 182, 194, 269, 830 ugees, use of funds for. PresAppropriations, Committee on — idential consultation 87 Cambodian and Vietnamese refReports to — ugees, use of funds for, PresAgency for International Deidential consultation 87 velopment, intermediate Reports to — technology, proposal 859 Army, Department of the, milArms Control and Disarmaitary construction, etc 548 ment Agency, arms NASA, satellite services concontrol impact on military tracts 221 expenditures, study 757