Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/179

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

PUBLIC LAW 94-29—JUNE 4, 1975 " (m) The Commission is authorized and directed to make a study and investigation of the practice of recording the ownership of securities in the records of the issuer in other than the name of the beneficial owner of such securities to determine (1) whether such practice is consistent with the purposes of this title, with particular reference to subsection (g) of this section and sections 13, 14, 1 5 (d), 16, and 17A, and (2) whether steps can be taken to facilitate communications between issuers and the beneficial owners of their securities while at the same time retaining the benefits of such practice. The Commission shall report to the Congress its preliminary findings within six months after the date of enactment of the Securities Acts Amendments of 1975, and its final conclusions and recommendations within one year of such date.". SEC. 10. Section 13 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (16 U.S.C. 78m) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: " (f)(1) Every institutional investment manager which uses the mails, or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce in the course of its business as an institutional investment manager and which exercises investment discretion with respect to accounts holding equity securities of a class described in section 13(d)(1) of this title having an aggregate fair market value on the last t r a d i n g day in any of the preceding twelve months of at least $100,000,000 or such lesser amount (but in no case less than $10,000,000) as the Commission, by rule, may determine, shall file reports with the Commission in such form, for such periods, and at such times after the end of such periods as the Commission, by rule, may prescribe, but in no event shall such reports be filed for periods longer than one year or shorter than one quarter. Such reports shall include for each such equity security held on the last day of the reporting period by accounts (in aggregate or by type as the Commission, by rule, may prescribe) with respect to which the institutional investment manager exercises investment discretion (other than securities held in amounts which the Commission, by rule, determines to be insignificant for purposes of this subsection), the name of the issuer and the title, class, C U S I P number, number of shares or principal amount, and aggregate fair market value of each such security. Such reports may also include for accounts (in aggregate or by type) with respect to which the institutional investment manager exercises investment discretion such of the following information as the Commission, by rule, prescribes— " (A) the name of the issuer and the title, class, C U S I P number, number of shares or principal amount, and aggregate fair market value or cost or amortized cost of each other security (other than an exempted security) held on the last day of the reporting period by such accounts; " (B) the aggregate fair market value or cost or amortized cost of exempted securities (in aggregate or by class) held on the last day of the reporting period by such accounts; " (C) the number of shares of each equity security of a class described in section 13(d)(1) of this title held on the last day of the reporting period by such accounts with respect to which the institutional investment manager possesses sole or shared authority to exercise the voting rights evidenced by such securities; " (D) the aggregate purchases and aggregate sales during the reporting period of each security (other than an exempted security) effected by or for such accounts; and " (E) w i t h respect to any transaction or series of transactions having a market value of at least $500,000 or such other amount as the Commission, by rule, may determine, effected during the

89 STAT. 119 Study.

15 USC 78m, 78n, 78o, 78p; Post, p. 141. Reports to Congress. Recommendations to Congress. Periodic reports.
