Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/368

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

89 STAT. 308 Grants and contracts. 42 USC 300. 42 USC 300a-4.

42 USC 300a-4.

Penalty. 42 USC 300a-8.

eommunity Mental Health Centers Amendments of 1975. 42 USC 2689 note.. 42 USC 2689 note.

PUBLIC LAW 94-63—JULY 29, 1975 (b) Section 1001(b) of such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: "Local and regional entities shall be assured the right to apply for direct grants and contracts under this section, and the Secretary shall by regulation fully provide for and protect such right.". (c) Section 1006(a) of such Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new sentence: "The amount of any grant under any section of this title shall be determined by the Secretary; except that no grant under any such section for any program or project for a fiscal year beginning after June 30, 1975, may be made for less than 90 per centum of its costs (as determined under regulations of the Secretary) unless the grant is to be made for a program or project for which a grant was made (under the same section) for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975, for less than 90 per centum of its costs (as so determined), in which case a grant under such section for that program or project for a fiscal year beginning after that date may be made for a percentage which shall not be less than the percentage of its costs for which the fiscal year 1975 grant was made.". (d) The last sentence of section 1006(c) of such Act is amended by inserting immediately before the period the following: "so as to insure that economic status shall not be a deterrent to participation in the programs assisted under this title". SEC. 205. Any— (1) officer or employee of the United States, (2) officer or employee of any State, political subdivision of a State, or any other entity, which administers or supervises the administration of any program receiving Federal financial assistance, or (3) person who receives, under any program receiving Federal financial assistance, compensation for services, who coerces or endeavors to coerce any person to undergo an abortion or sterilization procedure by threatening such person with the loss of, or disqualification for the receipt of, any benefit or service under a program receiving Federal financial assistance shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both. TITLE III—COMMUNITY MENTAL H E A L T H CENTERS SEC. 301. This title may be cited as the "Community Mental Health Centers Amendments of 1975". SEC. 302. (a) The Congress finds that— (1) community mental health care is the most effective and humane form of care for a majority of mentally ill individuals; (2) the federally funded community mental health centers have had a major impact on the improvement of mental health care by(A) fostering coordination and cooperation between various agencies responsible for mental health care which in turn has resulted in a decrease in overlapping services and more efficient utilization of available resources, (B) bringing comprehensive community mental health care to all in need within a specific geographic area regardless of ability to pay, and (C) developing a system of care which insures continuity of care for all patients, and thus are a national resource to which all Americans should enjoy access; and