Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/55

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89 STAT. 89:2-17
PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975
89 STAT. 89:2-17

PUBLIC LAW 93-651—NOV. 21, 1974

89 STAT. 2-17

Secretary, composed of twenty-eight members of whom not less than Membership, ten shall be individuals with handicaps appointed to represent all individuals with handicaps, and five shall be parents of individuals with handicaps appointed to represent all such parents and individuals. The Council shall provide guidance and planning for the Conference. (2) Any member of the Council who is otherwise employed by the Federal Government shall serve without compensation in addition to that received in his regular employment. (3) Members of the Council, other than those referred to in para- Compensatiom; graph (1), shall receive compensation at rates not to exceed the daily travel expensiss. rate prescribed for GS-18 under section 5332, title 5, United States Code, for each day they are engaged in the performance of their duties 5 USC 5332 mote. (including traveltime); and, while so serving away from their homes or regular places of business, they shall be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, in the same manner as the expenses authorized by section 5703, title 5, United States Code, for persons in Government service employed intermittently. (4) Such Council shall cease to exist one-hundred and twenty days Termination date. after the submission of the final report required by section 302(e). (c) For the purpose of ascertaining facts and making recommendations concerning the utilization of skills, experience, and energies, and the improvement of the conditions of individuals with handicaps, the Conference shall bring together individuals with handicaps and members of their families and representatives of Federal, State, and local governments, professional experts, and members of the general public recognized by individuals with handicaps as being knowledgeable about problems affecting their lives. (d) Participants in the White House Conference, and in confer- Recommendations. ences and other activities leading up to the White House Conference at the local and State level are authorized to consider all matters related to the purposes of the Conference set forth in subsection (a), but shall give special consideration to recommendations for: (1) providing education, health, and diagnostic services for all children early in life so that handicapping conditions may be discovered and treated; (2) assuring that every individual with a handicap receives appropriately designed benefits of the educational system; (3) assuring that individuals with handicaps have available to them all special services and assistance which will enable them to live their lives as fully and independently as possible; (4) enabling individuals with handicaps to have access to usable communication services and devices at costs comparable to other members of the population; (5) assuring that individuals with handicaps will have maximum mobility to participate in all aspects of society, including access to all publ icy-assisted transportation services and, when necessary, alternative means of transportation at comparable cost; (6) improving utilization and adaptation of modern engineering and other technology to ameliorate the impact of handicapping conditions on the lives of individuals and especially on their access to housing and other structures; (7) assuring individuals with handicaps of equal opportunity with others to engage in gainful employment; (8) enabling individuals with handicaps to have incomes sufficient for health and for participation in family and community life as self-respecting citizens;