Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/581

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

PUBLIC LAW 94-105—OCT. 7, 1975 trained health officials, or persons designated by physicians or State or local medically trained health officials as being competent professionally to evaluate nutritional risk. "(5) 'Administrative costs' include costs for referral, operation, monitoring, nutrition education, general administration, startup, clinic, and administration of the State office. "(h)(1) There is hereby established a council to be known as the National Advisory Council on Maternal, Infant, and Fetal Nutrition (hereinafter in this section referred to as the 'Council') which shall be composed of 15 members appointed by the Secretary. One member shall be a State director of the special supplemental food program, 1 member shall be a State fiscal director for the special supplemental food program (or the equivalent thereof), 1 member shall be a State health ojfficer (or equivalent thereof), 1 member shall be a project director of a special supplemental food program in an urban area, 1 member shall be a project director of a special supplemental food program in a rural area, 1 member shall be a State public health nutrition director (or equivalent thereof), 2 members shall be parent recipients of the special supplemental food program, 1 member shall be a pediatrician, 1 member shall be an obstetrician, 1 member shall be a person involved at the retail sales level of food in the special supplemental food program, 2 members shall be officers or employees of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, specially qualified to serve on the Council because of their education, training, experience, and knowledge in matters relating to maternal, infant, and fetal nutrition, and 2 members shall be officers or employees of the Department of Agriculture, specially qualified because of their education, training, experience, and knowledge in matters relating to maternal, infant, and fetal nutrition. "(2) The 11 members of the Council appointed from outside the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare shall be appointed for terms of 3 years, except that the 9 members first appointed to the Council shall be appointed as follows: Three members shall be appointed for terms of 3 years, 3 members shall be appointed for terms of 2 years, and 3 members shall be appointed for terms of 1 year. Thereafter all appointments shall be for a term of 3 years, except that a person appointed to fill an unexpired term shall serve only for the remainder of such term. Members appointed from the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, shall serve at the pleasure of the Secretary. "(3) The Secretary shall designate one of the members to serve as Chairman and one to serve as Vice Chairman of the Council. "(4) The Council shall meet at the call of the Chairman but shall meet at least once a year. " (5) Eight members shall constitute a quorum and a vacancy on the Council shall not affect its powers. "(6) It shall be the function of the Council to make a continuing study of the operation of the special supplemental food program and any related Act under which diet supplementation is provided to women, infants, and children, with a view to determining how such programs may be improved. The Council shall submit to the President and the Congress annually a written report of the results of its study together with such recommendations for administrative and legislative changes as it deems appropriate. "(7) The Secretary shall provide the Council with such technical and other assistance, including secretarial and clerical assistance, as may be required to carry out its functions under this Act.

89 STAT. 521

National Advisory Council on Maternal, Infant, and F'etal Nutrition. Establishment. Membership.


Chairman. Meetings. Quorum. Function.

Report to the President and Congress. Technical assistance.