Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/584

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

89 STAT. 524

Commodities, donation.

42 USC 1755.

Appropriation authorization. Recordkeeping.

Apportionment of funds.

PUBLIC LAW 94-105—OCT. 7, 1975 means. No institution shall be prohibited from serving a breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack to each eligible child each day. "(d) Funds paid to any State under this section shall be disbursed by the State educational agency to institutions approved for participation on a nondiscriminatory basis to reimburse such institutions for their costs in connection with food service operations, including labor and administrative expenses. All valid claims from such institutions shall be paid within 30 days. "(e) Irrespective of the amount of funds appropriated under this section, foods available under section 416 of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (7 U.S.C. 1431) or purchased under section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935 (7 U.S.C. 612c), or section 709 of the Food and Agriculture Act of 1965 (7 U.S.C. 1446a-l), shall be donated by the Secretary of Agriculture to institutions participating in the child care food program m accordance with the needs as determined by authorities of these institutions for utilization in their feeding programs. The amount of such commodities (or, upon the application of a State educational agency, cash in lieu of commodities in such amounts as may be provided in appropriations Acts) donated to each State for each fiscal year shall be, at a minimum, the amount obtained by multiplying the number of lunches and suppers served in participating institutions during that fiscal year by the rate for commodities and cash in lieu thereof established for that fiscal year in accordance with the provisions of section 6(e) of the National School Lunch Act. "(f) If in any State the State educational agency is not permitted by law or is otherwise unable to disburse the funds paid to it under this section to any institution in the State, the Secretary shall disburse the funds so withheld directly to institutions in the State for the same purpose and subject to the same conditions as are required of a State educational agency disbursing funds made available under this section. "(g) Expenditures of funds from State and local sources for the maintenance of food programs for children shall not be diminished as a result of funds received under this section. "(h) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for any fiscal year such sums as may be necessary for the Secretary's administrative expenses under this section. "(i) States, State educational agencies, and institutions participating in programs under this section shall keep such accounts and records as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to determine whether there has been compliance with this section and the regulations hereunder. Such accounts and records shall at all times be available for inspection and audit by representatives of the Secretary and shall be preserved for such period of time, not in excess of 5 years, as the Secretary determines is necessary. "(j)(1) Of the sums appropriated for any fiscal year pursuant to the authorization contained in this section, $3,000,000 shall be available to the Secretary for the purposes of providing, during each such fiscal year, nonfood assistance for the child care food program. The Secretary shall apportion among the States during each fiscal year the aforesaid sum of $3,000,000: Provided, That such an apportionment shall be made according to the ratio among the States of the number of children below age 6 who are members of households which have an annual income not above 125 per centum of the applicable family-size income level set forth in the income poverty guideline prescribed by the Secretary under section 9(b) of this Act.