Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/730

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

89 STAT. 670


Infra. 5 USC 5314-5316.

5 USC 5314. 5 USC 5315.

38 USC 4118. Supra.

"Director grade, $36,338 minimum to $46,026 maximum. "Executive grade, $33,736 minimum to $43,861 maximum. "Chief grade, $31,309 minimum to $40,705 maximum. "Senior grade, $26,861 minimum to $34,916 maximum. "Intermediate grade, $22,906 minimum to $29,782 maximum. "Full ^rade, $19,386 minimum to $25,200 maximum. "Associate grade, $16,256 minimum to $21,133 maximum."; and (4) amending subsection (d) to read as follows: "(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, and except as provided in section 4118 of this title, pay may not be paid at a rate in excess of the rate of basic pay for an appropriate level authorized by section 5314, 5315, or 5316 of title 5 for positions in the Executive Schedule, as follows: " (1) Level III for the Chief Medical Director; "(2) Level IV for the Deputy Chief Medical Director; and "(3) Level V for all other positions for which such basic pay is paid under this section.". (c) Title 5, United States Code, is amended by— (1) striking out in section 5314 the following: "(38) Chief Medical Director in the Department of Medicine and Surgery, Veterans' Administration."; and (2) striking out in section 5315 the following: "(31) Deputy Chief Medical Director in the Department of Medicine and Surgery, Veterans' Administration.". (d)(1) Subchapter I of chapter 73 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new section: "§4118. Special pay for physicians and dentists "(a)(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4107(d) or any other provision of law, in order to recruit and retain highly qualified physicians and dentists in the Department of Medicine and Surgery, the Administrator, pursuant to the provisions of this section and regulations which he shall prescribe hereunder, shall provide, in addition to any pay or allowance to which such physician or dentist is entitled, special pay in an amount not more than (A) $13,500 per annum to any physician employed in the Department of Medicine and Surgery, or (B) $6,750 per annum to any dentist so employed, except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, upon the execution, and for the duration of, a written agreement by such physician or dentist to complete a specified number of years of service in the Department. "(2) Special pay may not be paid under this section to any physician or dentist who— "(A) is employed on less than a half-time or intermittent basis, "(B) occupies an internship or residency training position, or "(C) is a reemployed annuitant. "(3) The Chief Medical Director, pursuant to such regulations, may determine categories of positions applicable to both physicians and dentists in the Department of Medicine and Surgery as to which there is no significant recruitment and retention problem. Physicians and dentists serving in such positions shall not be eligible for special pay under this section.