Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/956

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

89 STAT. 896 5 USC 552.

Publication in Federal Register.


PUBLIC LAW 94-163—DEC. 22, 1975 in section 552(b)(1), (b)(3), or so much, of (b)(4) as relates to trade secrets; and (B) in the exercise of authority under section 552 (b)(1), the President shall consult with the Secretary of State, the Administrator, and the Attorney General with respect to questions relating to the foreign policy interests of the United States. (4) No provision of this section may be exercised so as to prevent representatives of committees of Congress from attending meetings to which this section applies, or from having access to any transcripts, records, and agreements kept or made under this section. (d)(1) The Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission shall participate from the beginning in the development, and when practicable, in the carrying out of voluntary agreements and plans of action authorized under this section. Each may propose any alternative which would avoid or overcome, to the greatest extent practicable, possible anticompetitive effects while achieving substantially the purposes of this part. A voluntary agreement or plan of action under this section may not be carried out unless approved by the Attorney General, after consultation with the Federal Trade Commission. Prior to the expiration of the period determined under paragraph (2), the Federal Trade Commission shall transmit to the Attorney General its views as to whether such an agreement or plan of action should be approved, and shall publish such views in the Federal Register. The Attorney General, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission, the Secretary of State, and the Administrator, shall have the right to review, amend, modify, disapprove, or revoke, on his own motion or upon the request of the Federal Trade Commission or any interested person, any voluntary agreement or plan of action at any time, and, if revoked, thereby withdraw prospectively any immunity which may be conferred by subsection (f) or (k). (2) Any voluntary agreement or plan of action entered into pursuant to this section shall be submitted in writing to the Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission 20 days before being implemented; except that during an international energy supply emergency, the Administrator, subject to approval of the Attorney General, may reduce such 20-day period. Any such agreement or plan of action shall be available for public inspection and copying, except that a plan of action shall be so available only to the extent to which records or transcripts are so available as provided in the last sentence of subsection (c)(3). Any action taken pursuant to such voluntary agreement or plan of action shall be reported to the Attomev General and the Federal Trade Commission pursuant to such regulations as shall be prescribed under paragraphs (3) and (4) of subsection (e). (3) A plan of action may not be approved by the Attorney General under this subsection unless such plan (A) describes the types of substantive actions which may be taken under the plan, and (B) is as specific in its description of proposed substantive actions as is reasonable in light of known circumstances. (e)(1) The Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission shall monitor the development and carrying out of voluntary agreements and plans of action authorized under this section in order to promote competition and to prevent anticompetitive practices and effects, while achieving substantially the purposes of this part. (2) In addition to any requirement specified under subsections (b) and (c) of this section and in order to carry out the purposes of this section, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Federal Trade Commission and the Administrator, shall promulgate rules