Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1000

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948 TREATY °WITH AUSTRIA. MAY 8, 1848. Anrrcnn VI} Anmxm. V1. EE: ygfryea- 'Ijhis convention is concluded Gegenwartiger Vertrag ist ab- £cd_,mdmm';,f subyect to the ratification of the geschlossen worden, vorbehaltlich tions to be_ or- President of the United States of der Ratification Sr. Majestéit des gzzngiffrgsing America, by and with the advice Kaisers von Ocsterreich und vor- .;$,,l,,§ m,,,,,-_ and consent of the Senate thereof, behaltheh der Ratification des lwe 8thib!. and of his Majesty the Emperor Praesxdentende1·Vere1nigten Staa- ‘ of Austria; and the ratilications ten von Nord·America nach und_ thereof shall be exchanged in mit dem Rathe und der Einwillig- Washington, within the term of ung des Nord · Americanischen one year from the date of the sig- Senates; und es soll die Ausuature thereof, or sooner if pos- wechslung der Ratifications urkunsible. den innerhalb Jahresfrist vom Tage der Unterzeichnnng des gegenwartigen Vertrages an gerechnet oder friiher, wenn es moglich ist, in Washington statt nnden. In witness whereof, the respec- Urkundlich dessen haben die tive plenipotentiaries have signed beiderseitigcn Bevollmichtigten the above articles, as well in Ger- oben stehende Artikel so wohl in man asin English, and have thereto Deutscher als Englischer Sprache atlixed their seals. unterzeichnet und ihre Siegel beigedriickt. Done in the city of Washington, Ausgestellt zu Washington den on the eighth day of May, one achten May ein tausend acht hunthousand eight hundred and forty- dert und acht und vierzig, im vieight, in the seventy-second year erzehnten Jahre der Regierung of the independence of the United Seiner Majestat des Kaisers von States of America, and in the Oesterreich, und im zwei und siefourteenth year of the reign of his berzigsten Jahrc der Unabhang- Majesty the Emperor of Austria. ingkeit der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-America. JAMES BUCHANAN, [1.. s.] HULSEMANN, [L. s.]

" Rzsom:-rron or ras Smuu: or ran Usrrno Snr-ns. February 13th, 1850. Whereas the time limited by the 6th article of the convention for the extension of certain stipulations contained in the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation of August 27, 1829, between the United States of America and his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, concluded at the city of Washington, the Sth May, 1848, has expired before the ratification of the said convention by the Senate, he it therefore, Resolved, (two thirds of the senators present concurring,) That the Senate advise and consent to the exchange of ratincations of the convention aforesaid, at any time prior to the fourth day of July next, whenever the same shall be ofered by his Majesty the Emperor of Austria, and the said ratiiications shall be deemed and taken to have been regularly exchanged, the limitation contained in nid convention to the contrary notwithstanding. Attes: ASBURY DICKINS, Secretary.