Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1002

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950 TREATY WITH THE PAWNEES Ava. 6, 1848. Aarrcmz IH. m'·éh° YiS'~*€°j The United States shall have the privilege of using any hard timber H :v°°; °£v that may at any time be needed, situate u n Wood River, immediate} eg ug P') Y timber _ upon north of the land hereby conveyed. Wood. River. Autor.: IV. §’ri_e¤d¤h;p and The Pawnee nation renew their assurance of friendship for the white g,::;? lzlefggé men, their lidelity to the United States, and their desire for peace with by the Pawnee;. all the neighboring tribes of Indians. _ _Sh0uld didicul- The Pawnee nation, therefore, faithfully promise not to molest or gate:"?? gi injure the property or person of any white citizen of the United States put"., p,, Mh, wherever found, nor to make war upon any tribes with whom said Paw- ¤‘*>i¤Mi¤¤· nee tribes now are, or may hereafter be, at peace; but, should any dilliculty arise, they agree to refer the matter in dispute to such arbitration as the President of the United States may direct. Aarrcne V. These articles of agreement and convention shall be binding and obligatory from this sixth day of August, A. D. 1848. In testimony whereof, the said Lieutenant-Colonel Ludwell E. Powell, commanding battalion Missouri mounted volunteers, and the chiefs and headmen of the four eonfederated bands of Grand Pawnees, Pawnee Loups, Pawnee Republicans, and Pawnee Tappage, have hereunto signed their names, and affixed their seals, on the day and year aforesaid. LUDWELL E. POWELL. Lt. Gal &m’g Bat. Mb. Mounted Volunteers. CHEF MA-LAIGNE, Principal Chief of t}t¢Fm¢r Canfcderalcd Bands. 6%% w'-- Grand Pawnee:. Sha-re-ta.-riche, Ah-lah-ra-scha. Poconos Loup:. Ish—Ka-t¤P·P‘s Big Chief] French Chief; Pawnee Republican. Ln·lo-che·la-shn·ro, American Chie£ A-sha.-la-la.-cotgsh•.~1o, Pawnee Tappagc. In-pa-ko-lo-lo-ho-la·sha, Ta-ra-re-tappags. L¤.·sha.-pit-ko, [Tc mh of the Indian names is amxad his mark.] Executed and delivered in the presence of- Thomas J. Todd, djt. Bat. Ma. HZ. Vlts., Secretary. A. W. Suhlette, Capt, Co. J. J. Walker, .4. 8. IL 8. Amy.