Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1030

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978 TREATY WITH THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Duc. 20, 1849. from either country to the other, in ships of that other country, shall, when so exported or re-exported, be subject to the same duties, and be entitled to the same privileges, drawbacks, bounties, and allowances, whether exported in ships of the one country, or in ships of the other; and all goods and articles, of whatever description, not being of the produce or manufacture of the United States, which can be legally imported into the Sandwich Islands, shall, when so imported in vessels of the United States, pay no other or higher duties, imposts, or charges, than shall be payable upon the like goods and articles, when imported in the vessels of the most favored foreign nation, other than the nation of which the said goods and articles are the produce or manufacture. A1z·r·rcr.·.: IV. Tonnage &c_ No duties of tonnage, harbor, lighthouses, pilotage, quarantine, or duties. other similar duties, of whatever nature, or under whatever denomination, shall be imposed in either cuuutry ppon the vessels of the other, in respect of voyages between the United States of America and the Hawaiian Islands, if laden, or in respect of any voyage, if in ballast, which shall not be equally imposed in the like cases on national vessels. ARTICLE V. p,,,,.,S{0,,, of It is hereby declared, that the stipulations of the present treaty are this mary rw! not to be understood as applying to the navigation and carrying trade

gm€§;°‘;;d;° between one port. and another, situated in the states of either contracting party, such navigation and trade being reserved exclusively to

national vessels. Anrrcu: VI. privilege, of Steam vessels of the United States which may be employed by the steam} vessels government of the said States, in the carrying of their public mails °“"Y‘“$ “"“1“· across the Pacilic. Ocean, or from one port in that ocean to another, shall have free access to the ports of the Sandwich Islands, with the privilege of stopping therein to refit, to refresh, to land passengers and their baggage, and for the transaction of any business pertaining m the public mail service of the United States, and shall be subject in such ports to no duties of tonnage, harbor, lighthouses, quarantine, or other similar duties of whatever nature or under whatever denomination. Antrrcmz VH. p,,,.;;,,,, of The whale ships of the United States shall have access to the ports whale ships of Hilo, Kealakekua, and Hanalei, in the Sandwich Islands, fur the purposes of refitment and refreshment, as well as to the ports of Honolulu and Lahaina, which only are ports of entry for all merchant vessels; and in all the above-named ports, they shall be permitted to trade or barter their supplies or goods, excepting spirituous liquors, to the amount of two hundred dollars ad vulorem for each vessel, without paying any charge for tonnage or harbor dues of any description, or any duties or imposts whatever upon the goods or articles so traded or bartered. They shall also be permitted, with the like exemption from all charges for tonnage and·harbor dues, further to trade or barter, with the same exception as to spirituous liquors, to the additional amount of one thousand dollars ad valarcm, for each vessel, paying upon the additional goods and articles so traded and bartered, no other or higher duties than are payable on like goods and articles, when imported in the vessels and by the citizens or subjects of the most favored foreign nation. They shall also be permitted to pass from port to port of the Sandwich Islands, for the purpose of procuring refreshments, but they