Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1055

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APPENDIX. l00S 7. Respecting an Invasion of Cuba. BY rm: Pnrzsmmvtr or mma Umrrnn STATES. A PROCLAMATION. Tuner: is reason to believe that an armed expedition is about to be fitted Aug,11, 1849. out in the United States, with an intention to invade the Island of Cuba, or -—-·—-·-—· some of the Provinces of Mexico, The’best information which the executive has been able to obtain, points to the Island of Cuba as the object of this expedition. It is the duty of this government to observe the faith of treaties, and to prevent any aggression by our citizens upon the territories of friendly nations. I have therefore thought it necessary and proper to issue this proclamation, to warn all citizens of the United States who shall connect themselves with an enterprise so grossly in violation of our laws and our treaty obligations, that they will thereby subject themselves to the heavy penalties denounced against them by our acts of Congress, and will forfeit their claim to the protection of their country. No such persons must expect the interference of this government, in any form, on their behalf, no matter to what extremities they may be reduced in consequence of their conduct. An enterprise to invade the territories of a friendly nation, set on foot and prosecuted within the limits of the United States, is in the highest degree criminal, as tending to endanger the peace, and compromit the honor, of this nation z -—— and, therefore, I exhort all good citizens, as they regard our national reputation; as they respect their own laws, and the laws of nations; as they value the blessings of peace and the welfare of their country, to discountenance and prevent, by all lawful means, any such enterprise; and I call upon every officer of this government, civil or military, to use all eH`orts in his power to arrest, for trial and punishment, every such offender against the laws providing for the performance of our sacred obligations to friendly powers. Given under my hand, the 11th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and the seventy-fourth of the Independence of the United States. Z. TAYLOR. By the President: J. M. Cnaxrorv, Secretary of State. 8. Nesqually and Portland, in Oregon, made Ports of Delivery. BY cruz Pnnsrnsiw or rms: Uivrrnn Srarns. A PROCLAMATION. Wunnnis, by an act of the Congress of the United States of the four- Jan. 10, 1850. teenth of August, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, entitled, "An Act to ···‘·—""" establish the territorial government of Oregon," the President of the United 18‘*8» Fh·177· States is authorized to establish such ports of delivery in the collection district created by that act, not exceeding two in number, (one of which shall be located on Fuget’s Sound,) as he may deem proper:- Now, therefore, I, Zachary Taylor, President of the United States of Nesqualiy and America, do hereby declare and proclaim the ports of Nesqually (on Fuget’s I{¢>¥`§l¤¤d» méhe Sound) and Portland, in the collection district of Oregon, in the Territory of dxuct °;ma::,i Oregon, to be constituted ports of delivery, with all the privileges authorized gags of d8“vc,y_ by law to such ports. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be atiixed. Done at the city of Washington, this tenth day of January, in the [L S] year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty, and of the 'ndependence of the United States the seventy-fourth. _ Z. TAYLOR. By the President: J. M. Cnarrou, Secretary of State.