Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1069

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INDEX. 1017 Clerks, (continued.) Clothing for Volunteers, _ a clerk allowed attorney-general in settle- provision for, - - - 18, 210 ment of Peruvian claims, - - 80 additional appropriation for, - - 217 under the loan acts, - - - 40, 119 Coalheavers, in the independent treasury, 62, 163, 531 - in the navy, compensation oi} - 173 in the office of Indian affairs, - 204 entitled to pension, - - — 283 of Circuit Court, how appointed, pro tem- widows and children so entitled, - 283 P°*’¢» - ---- 213 Coasting Trade, PW 0S - ---- 361 vessels in, allowed to touch at foreign ports, in general posboffice, 230, 290, 426, 427, 232 - 606 Coast Survey, in general land office, - - — 216 in Gulf of Mexico, - - - . 375 in patent office for copying, - - 232 of Flo ’da, - - - 375, 540, 610 in state department, to examine claims on generxy, (appropriations for,) 92, 162, 294, foreign governments, - - 284 362, 540, 610 in treasury department, 86, 156, 215, 285, steamers employed in, repair oi} - 427 286, 355, 370, 525, 571, 601, 616, 618 upon the Pacific, —--— 504 in wm: department, 158, 216, 288, 528 survey of the Delta of the Mississippi, 539 of courts to keep the dockets open for ex- superintendent oi) to make preliminary amination gratuitous1y, - — 292 surveys of proposed sites of lighthouses, of courts to be furnished with the Statutes 628 at Ilarge, -—--- 339 upon western coast, - 426, 540, 610 in adjutant-general's office, — - 343 Cobb, Summus, V in eiiice of register of the treasury, 356 pension to, — - ·- - . - 673 in general land office, - - — 370 Cobbs, Elizabnh S., inhome department, 396, 424, 527, 571, 603, pension of, --·-- 782 616 Cofee from the Netherlands, appointment of, - - - 396 to be duty-free in certain cases, - 49, 50 in office of commissioner of the customs, duties collected on, to be refunded, 50 396 Coggswell, E. B-, in office of assistant secretary of the treas- payment to, ---· 769 m'Y» ---- - 397 Coinage, transfer of, to home department, - 896 of gold dollars and double eagles, - 397 of "Western District Court of Louisiana, 401 maximum of deviation in weight of gold to commissioner upon claims against Bra- and silver coins, - - - 898 zil, - - ;- - ·· - 422 of a three cent piece, - - - 591 transfer of, to home department, 424, 527 Coins, Foreign, of attorney-general, - — 161, 532 value oi at custom-house, - - 14 in the office of the third auditor employed Cold Spring, (New York,) in examination of muster and pay rolls, made a port of delivery, - - 209 671, 601 Coleman ig- Bak, in the office of Indian affairs, 687, 616 payment of; -—-- 19 none to be paid from Chickasaw fnmd, Collection Districts, . 687, 616 established in additional clerks, - - - 587 California, - — 400, 508, 509 of the court in the western judicial district Georgia, -—-· 246 in Arkansas, --—- 595 Illinois, - - 38, 275, 510 in department of state, - - 600 Indiana, ·--- 275 in the office of the second auditor, 601 Kentucky, ---- 510 in the office of the solicitor of the treasury, Louisiana, - 219, 458, 510, 611, 512 601 Maine, ---- 183, 412 extra hire oil to collect infomation to be Massachusetts, - - 275, 511 laid before Congress, - - 601 Minnesota, ---- 610 in the office of commissioner of pensions, New York, _ - - - 209, 210 603 North Carolina, - - 446, 513 temporary clerks, - — 216, 603 . Ohio, ----- 511 salary of chief clerk in bureau of navy Oregon, 831, 609, 566, 667, and App. yards and docks, - - -- 605 Rhode Island, - - - 442 salary of clerk of commissioner on Brazilian Tennessee, ---- 510 claims, ----- 607 Texas, - - 2, 182, 409, 511 to carry on the independent treasury, 610 Wisconsin, - - - _ 609. 510 to the commission for settling land claims additional inspectors and appraisers at New in California, -—-- 631 Orleans, ----- 512 their salaries and fees, - - 634 offcers of the customs and ports of entry of treasurers of the mint to be appointed by and delivery in Oregon, - - 667 them, ...- - 647 Colkctimt of Duties, _ acting as secretary or chief of a bureau not additional inspectors and appraisers at New to e paid therefor if the incumbent is Orleans, - - _ - - · 612 also paid, —-—-- 370 dudes on goods for inland ports may be Clerks, Provident Aaeaciatkm sj paid st certain seaboard ports, 510, 611, amendment of charter, - - - 767 512 how funds of, shall be appropriated, 767 limitation of expenses oi} _ - 660, 661 Ckvoland, duties collected in California not subject to marine hospital st, - 367, 684, 609 act of -1849, ch, 110, e - - 609