Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/1073

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INDEX. 102] Crowell, .•"sIm, Darby, Saky, accounts oi, to be audited and settled, pension of, -—·-- 758 659 Darden, Simeon, Crutciutt, James, payment to, ---- 753 payment t0, - - - 217, 293 Davenport, James B., Culver, 1V5U5am, land titles confirmed to, - 752, 763 payment to, for repairs, ‘731 Davidson, James, Cumberland Road, pension to, ----— 655 surrendered in part to Indiana, - 283 Davis, Solomon, Cumming, Alexander M., allowed to exchange land entry, - 769 settlement of claims of, · - 707 Dawson, John, · Cunningham, Christopher, claim of, --——~ 704 pension to, —-·-- 713 Day, William, ` Currents of the Ocean, payment to, ---- 33, 34 vessels to be detailed to observe, - 378 Deqf and Dumb, Kentucky Asylum for, Currier, David, time for selling land extended, - 684 pension to, ----- 744 De Bastrop Grant, Cushing, Thomas P., act for relief of claimants under, in the certain duties to be refunded to, - 743 event of an adjudication in favor of the Cusick, James, United States, ---- 597 payment to, ·--- 261 Debates in Congress, Gustoms, subscription to copies of, - - 7, 419 officers of, not to have more than pro rata continuation of publication oi, - 419 compen ation, —--- 3 Debt, accounts for salary, &c., to be 'rendered payment of interest oi} - - - 123 quarterly, - - - — 3 stock to be issued in payment of Mexican additional duties not distributed as a line, claims, -—--- 617 but paid in, -~-- 3 rate of interest not more than ive per expense of collection limited, 398, 560, 561, cent., - - . - - 617 618 to be payable in ten years, — 617 salaries in California. and Oregon, — 560 See Loan. secretary may sell bonded warehouses, Debentures, 560 appropriation for payment of, - 898 importer can carry goods from one district De Lu Roche, George F., to another, --—- 660 to be paid for certain services, - 702 See Collection Golkctor. Porta. Delaware Indians, Custom-Hou.m, agreement of, with the Wyandotte sancappropriations for, tioned by Congress, - - - 337 at Bangor, ---· 539 appropriations for, 24, 136, 265, 256, 337, at Bath, ---- 639 385, 386, 647, 648, 569, 577 at Boston, - - - 92, 163, 296 Delegate to Congress, at Cestine, - - - 162, 639 Oregon Territory entitled to one, - 329 at Charleston, 162, 296, 364, 539, 609 Dell, Bennet M., at Cincinnati, - - 540, 609 payment to, ---- 728 at Eastport, — - 162, 364, 426 Dell, Charlee L., at Erie, ---- 364 claim of, for military services, to be settled at Louisville, - - · 609 and paid, - · · ·· · 718 at Mobile, - · - 92, 689 Delta of the Miaaiasqopi, at New Bedford, - y - 426 survey of the, ~·-- 539 at New Orleans, 164, 296, 364, 426, Denison, Elisha, Administrator, 639, 609 payment of a pension to, - - 702 at Norfolk, - - 364, 365, 539, 640 Dennis, Thomas, in Oregon, —--- 616 pension of, - - — · - 796 at Philadelphia, - — - 539 Denton, Jolm B., at Pittsburg, - - - 609 relieved from a post-oince contract, 681 at Plymouth, - - - 363 Departments, at Portland, - 296, 364, 539, 540 post-oice, to prevent frauds inrevenue of, at Providence, , - - - 640 147, 148 at Sen Francisco, - - 540, 609 pay of acting heads of, - - 370 at St. Louis, - — 640, 609 act providing subordinate officers in, connt Savammh, 162, 296, 364, 540, 609 tinued, - — 168, 301, 869, 544, 617 at Wilmington, - - 92, 296 Depositaries of Moneys, at Wiscasset, - - - ‘ 296 pay ot, - - . - . 370 Deposition, fees for taking, - - - 292, 361 D. in cases of contested elections, - 668 notice of, when taken under act for settle- Dallas, Woe, ment ofyland claims in California, to be to be appraised and sold, - - 544 given to law agent, - - - 631 Dameron, Polly, Deposits. Sec Public Revenue. pension of, ···- - 781 Deputies, Dankl, James, _ of custom-house o£cers, to be sworn, reversionery interest of United States in 44 certain land relinquished to, - 762 of surveyors-general, to be sworn, 79, 80