Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/208

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182 TWENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II Ch. 57. 1847. the salt spring lands granted to said State for its use, by an act en. titled "An Act supplementary to the Act entitled an Act to establish the northern Boundary Line of the State of Ohio, and to provide for 1836 cu. 121. the Admission of the State of Michigan into the Union on certain Conditions," approved June twenty-third, eighteen hundred and thirty- SIX. Sale of ¤¤1i¤¤ Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the State of Illinois shall

   be, and hereby is, authorized and empowered to sell, in such manner

authorized. as the Legislature of said State shall by law direct, the whole or any part of the saline lands lying in Jackson county, in said State, which were granted to the State of Illinois, by virtue of "An Act to enable 1818, eh. 67. the People of the Illinois Territory to form a Constitution and State Government, and for the admission of such State into the Union on an equal Footing with the original States," approved April eighteenth, eighteen hundred and eighteen. Sale of saline Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the State of Arkansas shall lands Qxnrd *° be, and hereby is, authorized to sell, in `suoh manner as the Legislature

;i,g,,,,l_ mas of said State shall by law direct, the whole or any part of the saline

lands, granted to said State by virtue of an act supplementary to the mss, en. 100. act entitled "An Act for the Admission of the State of Arkansas into the Union, and to Provide for the due Execution of the Laws of the United States within the same, and for other Purposes," approved June twenty-third, eighteen hundred and thirty-six. Approved, March 3, 1847. March 3, 1841 Gun. LVII.—·An det to establish a Part of Entry at Saluria, in the State of `"`__` Texas, and for other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ty" the New collection United States of America in Congress assembled, That all that part ‘;Q';&;,;‘dT°“‘ of the State of Texas, south and west of the counties of Matagorda ` and Wharton, and including said counties, shall be detached nom the District of Texas, and shall constitute a collection district; that $¤I¤fi¤ cfsmd Saluria, on the north-easterly part of the Island of Matagorda, shall be “P°" °f°"t"i the port of entry for said district; and that Matagorda, Aransas, C0- Ports of dehv- . . . 9,,, pano, and Corpus Christi, as ports of delivery only. _ Collector robe Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That a collector for the district °l’P°“"°d‘ of Saluria aforesaid shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States, who shall hold his office for the terms and for the time prescribed by law for the like office in other districts. The said collector shall reside at Salu- Salary. ria aforesaid, and he shall be entitled to a salary not exceeding twelve hundred and fifty dollars per annum, including in that sum the fees allowed by law; and the amount he shall collect in any one year for fees, exceeding the said sum of twelve hundred and fifty dollars, shall be accounted for and paid into the treasury of the United States. Surveyorsto be Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That surveyors for the afore- °PP°’m°d’ Said ports of delivery, to wit, Matagorda, Labaca, Corpus Christi, and Copano, shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, with authority to exercise all the powers conferred by law on such officers; and that the salaries of said surveyors Salaries. at Matagorda and Labaca shall be at the rate of six hundred dollars per annum, and of those at Copano and Corpus Christi shall be at the rate of five hundred dollars per annum; and that there shall be t°:)€§“g;>3;l°:; B. deputywollector appointed according to law, to reside at Aransas, A,,,,,,," and to exercise such powers under the revenue laws as the Secretvy of the Treasury may prescribe; the compensation of said deputy Fees. collector shall be the legal fees on the business he may transact, and