Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/27

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THE LAWS OP THE UNITED STATES. PUBLIC ACTS OF THE TW"ENTY·NINTH CONGRESS or tux UNITED STATES, Passed at the jirst Session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the 1st Day of December, 1845, and ended on the 10th Day of August, 1846. James K. Pom, President; Geoncn M. DALLAS, Vice-President, and President of the Senate up to th_e Sth Day of August, 1846; Davm R. Arcnrsox, President of the Senate pro tempore on and after August Sth, 1846; Joan W. Davis, Speaker of the House of Repre- Sentatryes. Srrrurn l. Cnarrzx 1.-.0:1. Act to extend the Laws of the United States over the S1 ate of Dem 29 1g4_5_ Texas, and for other Purposes. ·————L——-——- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all the laws of Laws of the U. the United States are hereby declared to extend to and over, and to §:e:;¤‘°"°°‘* °'°’ have full force and elfect within, the State of Texas, admitted at the ` present session of Congress into the Confederacy and Union of the United States. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said State of Texas _Te¤¤ tv poashall constitute one judicial district, to be called the District of Texas, ;?fl"§‘§s,;';f_*“°" for which one judge shall be appointed,.who shall reside therein, and who shall receive a. salary of two thousand dollars per annum, and who shall hold the first term of said court at Galveston, on the first Monday of Feb- gmm ruary next, and at such other times and places in said district as may be provided by law, or as said judge may order; and that said court shall have and exercise the same powers and jurisdiction as have been conferred by law on the District Courts of the United States; and, also, shall have and exercise the powers and jurisdiction of a Circuit Court _ Powers and ju of the United States; and appeals and writs of error shall lie from the ;’;£:_‘l°“ °r 'md decisions of said District and Circuit Courts for the District of Texas to Appemmdc,- the Supreme Court of the United States, in the same cases as from a ¥°¤‘· Circuit Court of the United States to said Supreme Court, and under the same regulations. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That there shall be appointed in Dl:;j°‘ °"§'i and for said district a person learned in the law, to act as attorney of a,,,,:;::,; the United States for said district, and also a person to act as marshal Voc. IX. Pun. --1 ll)