Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/293

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 121 1848. 267 For increase, repair, armament, and equipment for the navy, in- increase, reclnding wear and tear of vessels in commission, coal for steamers, l_,l:'·0,P;g‘ss“';;;“‘· purchase of hemp, and one million two hundred thousand dollars for completing four lirst~class steamers, two millions five hundred and thirty-one thousand four hundred and seventy-four dollars. For ordnance and ordnance stores, including incidental expenses, ord¤¤¤¢¤ ¤¤"£:° Navy is hereby directed to advance to the contractors for said service, ad?,,);,,,, fn, ,,0,: or to their assignees, for the purpose of enabling them to finish the tractors steamships contracted for under their respective contracts, the sum of twenty-tive thousand dollars per month on each of said ships, after such ship shall have been launched; but the money so advanced under any one of said contracts shall not exceed the amount of one year’s compensation, stipulated for in such contract, to be secured in all cases by a lien on said ships, in such manner as the Secretary of the Navy may require; and the money so advanced shall be faithfully expended in finishing said ships to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Navy ; and compensation on the contract from Panama to Astoria When compenshall commence from the time the ships are ready for service, and ff;;‘Q“,;’;‘r:.h";,,‘;f]{:; placed at the disposal of the United States; the said annual com- ma to Astoria pensation, however, not to commence until first October, eighteen °l‘°“ °°'¤m°¤°°· hundred and forty-eight: Provided, That the contractor for the line