Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/299

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. l22. 1848. 273 Sec. 15. And be itfurt/wr enacted, That from and after the passage Armuzil pay of ofthis act, the annual pay of boatswains, gunners, carpenters, and sail- b°“s""“"“» §““‘ makers at the navy—yard at Pensacola shall be the same as now allowed Q,??' by law to the forward warrant officers at the navy-yards at Boston, 3* P°¤¤**°°1a»¤S· New York, and Norfolk. °*”**=’*°*’· Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That the restriction established R°$“£’*£}“ an by the fourth section of the act approved March third, eighteen hun- $35 eh_ qqjmief dred and forty-five, whereby no more than one hundred and eighty ming to the passed midshipmeu, and those senior in rank, shall at the same time ;Qg§§'°f P" ? , _ PIDPH F8 receive the pay fixed by law for that class of officers, be suspended m ceiving pay,sus~ its operation from the passage of this act, until the class of eighteen P°¤d° · hundred and forty-one and eighteen hundred and forty-two shall have been examined,' and· the relative rank established among those who shall pass their examination. Approved, August 3, 1848. Cmn. CXXII.—.9n Ac! supplemental to an Act to ccmjirm the Survey and Loca. Aug 5; i848· tion of Claims fm- Lands in the State of.Mis:i.s·s{ppi, cast of the Pearl River, and `_`—T""""" south of the lhirtyjirst Degree of North Latitude, approved March three, nigh- 1840* °h'46‘ teen hundred and fortygive. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all confirmed Certain land claims and settlemcnbrights for lands situate in the State of Missis- glgifs {Qu. gw sippi, cast of the Pearl River and south of thirty-Erst degree of north wp? ‘;(,,Q§;,;§ latitude, which had not been actually surveyed on the ground, and for ¤¤c¤rdi¤g ¢¤ ¤¤— which 110 plats of actual survey had been' returned to the surveyor- ;‘;‘;rs2;':g“£§5;t ganerafs office south of Tennessee, on or before the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine, shall be, and are hereby, confirmed, according to actual surveys hereafter to be made as herein provided for, in the same manner that said claims actually surveyed on the ground, and returned to the surveyor-genera]’s office at the time aforesaid, are confirmed by the act to which this is a supplement; and the surveyor-general is hereby authorized and directed, on request of any party interested, to cause the survey of said claims, Surveys to be without delay, and at any time between the passage of this.act and gfgiggd the first day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty, to be made and mginm- and re. returned to his oiiee, and he shall certify the return and plats of such <>¢¤'°¤' *`°"h¤=\¤- actual surveys, so made, to his 0B5e1e, to the register and receiver for S2? land dm` lands in the Augusta district for said State. And the surveyongeneral, and the said register and receiver, shall regard these claims and plats of actual survey, in all respects, upon the same footing with the claims confirmed as actually surveyed upon the ground, by said act to which this is a supplement, and subject to, and entitled to, the benefits 0f all the provisions of said act: Provided, That if it shall appear to Pi-oviso: when the surveyor-general, from the plats of actual survey already returned ’“;{°Y °**¤¤°' b° t0 his 0Hicc, that any of said claims cannot 110w be actually surveyed m e' on the ground, owing to their conflict with other claims already couiirmed as actually surveyed on the ground, by the act to which this is a supplement, then it shall be lawful for him to grant to the claimant, so deprived of his location, a warrant, as provided by the fourth section of said act, without causing the survey to be made. S1-1c. 2. And be it further enacted, That all warrants which have wnmnngmm been heretofore issued, or which shall hereafter be issued, by the sur- W **:1 ¤¤"g°*f; veyor-general south of Tennessee, under the provisions of the original {ffneuzzuundz, act to which this is a supplement, and under the provisions of this act, the apt to which bc, and they are hereby, authorized to be located upon any lands subject ;‘;“‘“u;y“zQ¥’{gj to sale at private entry in the State of Mississippi, in any of the land enter], nnnn any Vox,. IX. Pun. — 35