Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/31

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TXVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 10, 11, 13. 1846. 5 or executors, to give additional other or further security, and to remove such administrator or administrators, executor or executors, if they _ shall fail or refuse to comply with such order, and appoint an adminis· I" Q;’°gn{“ll‘ trator or administrators in his or their stead, and shall further have 3:;, md, 0,.,1;; power to order and require any assets or estate of the decedent, ml! ¤PP}>iP¥ ¤¥-l1· xx hich may remain unadministered, to be delivered to said newly- 3 ag;?;?:;?;? appointed administrator or administrators de bouis mm, and to enforce mtead. a compliance with such order by fine and attachment, or any other legal process : Provided, however, That said administrator `or adminis- Summons or traitors, executor or executors, shall first be summoned to show cause ¤°'·?<=° ’¢<1“¤‘°**· against such orders, or have ten days' notice, in writing, of the intended application. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the powers herein granted How foregoing to said courts, by the foregoing sections of this act, may be exercised Q;;::`fcdl“°Y l’° by said courts, cz officio, or on the application of any one interested. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force Aer to bein from and after its passage. l`°'°° *"°“`* m Approved, February 20, 1846. Pun"' Cru?. X.- .91: .9ct to repeal the Act requiring one nf the Judges of the Circuit March M': 1846- Court for the District of Columbia hereafter to reside in Alexandria. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Act or 18d4a United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act enti· °l’· “:,»m'°‘l“;"“8 tied "An Act requiring one of the Judges of the Circuit Court of the $:°,;,;d: ii, District of Columbia hereafter to reside in Alexandria/’ approved the ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤, MNH fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and forty-four,be and the same °°‘ is hereby repealed. Approved, March 24, 1846. Cnsr. XI.—.€n Act to aulhorize the Secretary of the Navy to contract for the Purchase of American water-rvtted Hemp for the Use of the Navy. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Seuemy 0, United States of America in Gmgress assembled, That the Secretary the Navy coconof the N avy be and he is hereby authorized to enter into contract, for Lgéilwlxérerfengé a period not exceeding three years, for the purchase of American hemp. watenroued hemp for the use of the navy. Approved, March 30, 1846. C¤.u>.XIII.—.Kn Act maki A 0p·ru1.t' ions or thelhymenzo Reza1d` Ma 7, 1846. and other Pensions of the $n£t.i7¤i)TSta¢es for in Year ending th`; thirliilhwtgnrclf ";` me thousand eight hundred and forty-scum, and for other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following Sums be and the same are hereby appropriated, out of any money in Appmp;3a5.,¤_ the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of pensions for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven: For revolutionary pensions under the act of eighteenth March, one R,,,,,;,,;;,,,,,,, thousand eight hundred and eighteen, one hundred and sixty-six r>¢¤¤i¤¤¤· thousand dollars. l8l8·°h‘l9‘ For invalid pensions under various acts, two hundred and twenty nmud pensions thousand dollars.