Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/327

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 166. 1848. 301 settle hostilities then pending between the Argentine Confederation and the State or Province of Paraguay. For interpreters, guards, and other expenses of the consulates at Inter reter; Constantinople, Smyrna, and Alexandria, one thousand five hundred zgmdsi gcn ¤* Lonstantmo le, dollars' Smyrna and Al- For salary of a commissioner to reside in China, nvethousand dollars. exanariii. _ For salary of the interpreter and secretary to the said mission, two ,0 g,f;:;"'““‘°“°' thousand five hundred dollars. g,,,,,,,,},,;,,,;.,,.; For the relief and protection of American seamen in foreign coun- ¤°¤*•iF~°;Y-,,A tries, seventy-five thousand dollars. ici}: ;,,,°;,€,,_m°r` For clerk hire, office rent, and other expenses of the office of the Cgmjn ncieg consul of the United States at London, two thousand eight hundred Zimgggsufsw °’ dollars. ` For the expenses of running and marking the boundary line between Boundary line the United States and Mexico, and paying the salaries of the officers {’°$"`°§,‘;,°;° of the commission, a sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars. 1G,,,;,,,, c For salary of the consul at Beyroot, five hundred dollars. C<>¤¤¤l M B¢Y· Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the third section of the r°$}l,,,,,d ,,,,,,,0,, " act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of or appropriation government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand zgvlggg- °h· eight hundred and forty-seven, and for other purposes," approved the ’ ` tenth of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, be, and the same is hereby, revived and continued in force for the fiscal year ending the thirtieth of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That inasmuch as it is claimed Pa;-nients t¤ by the Creek nation of Indians that a balance of one hundred and “"‘°" forty-one thousand and fifty-five dollars and ninety-one cents, being the I ` remainder of the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars agreed to be paid in liquidation of the claims of the citizens of Georgia, to be ascertained and allowed by the arbitrament and award of the President of the United States, under the fourth article of the treaty of the eighth of January, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, to belong to them, and the said sum of one hundred and forty-one thousand and fifty~five dollars and ninety-one cents is intended as a compromise of said claim : And inasmuch as it is a matter of doubt whether the obligation of the United States under said article extended further than to pay to the State of Georgia whatever balance might be found due to her citizens from the Creek nation: And inasmuch, also, as the whole sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars has in fact heretofore been paid by the United States to the State of Georgia : -it is therefore directed that the President of the United States shall cause the said sum of one hundred and forty-one thousand and fifty-five dollars and ninety-one cents, said sum of one hundred and forty-one thousand and ff_f2_y-jive dollars and ninety-one cents, to be paid to the said Creek nation of Indians in the manner following, viz.: one fifth on demand, and the residue thereof, without interest, po be paid in four equal annual instalments; on condition, however, that a release of all claim for principal and interest on account of said sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars shall be first executed by the said Creek nation to the United States, in such manner as the President of the United States shall direct, in full discharge of the same; and on condition, also, that the persons to whom said money shall be paid shall make proof to the satisfaction of the President of the United States that they have full power and authority to receive and receipt for the same. , SBC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treas- Same subjcct ury be, and he is hereby, required to pay, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the Creek nation of Indians, or to the order of the delegation of Indians aforesaid, the sum of forty- three thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars thirty-three and