Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/356

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330 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 177. 1848. pcnding in inc Oregon, within the limits of said Territory? when this act shall take $;';;*:aY* ’*;°vg;gj effect, shall be transferred to be heard, mad, prosechuted, and` dem. mem of 8,%,,,, mined in the District Courts hereby estabhshccr, whrch may rndludg g)¤¤¤Y¢¤¤‘<·=g__ _*° the coumies or districts where any suc}1 prcceeding nray be pcndmg_ Cfum of-wif; All bonds, recognizanceis, and c;lbhg;t¤0ps of c;ery·’§rp`d vahatsoepqr, United States for valid under the existin laws wit in the 1m1ts 0 san armory, S all “‘*idT°""‘°'Y· be valid under this actg and all crimes and misdemeanors againsz the laws in force within said limits may be prosecuted, tried, and punished in the courts established by this act; and all penalties, forfeimres, actions, and causes of action, may be recovered under this act, in like manner as they would have been under the laws in force within the limits composing said Territory at the time this act shall go imo oper-a· P*°*i¤°· tion: Provided, That the laws, penalties, and forfeitures and punishments, by this section rcquircd to be enforces bty the courts propidid for b this act, shall not be inconsistent wit t c constitution 0 t c Unitgd States: And provided further, That no right of action whatever shall accrue against any person for any act done in pursuance of any law heretofore passed by the tcmporaryfgtpvcpynmegtémd which may be declared contrar to the constitution 0 t c United States. Jrnstiwr of the Sec. 18. Anjbe it jiartlner enacted, That all justices of the peace, §f;’:°* j:;';?;-; constablcs, shcrilfs, and all other judicial and ministerial omccrs, who &c.fwh¤¤1m11bé shall be in ofricc within the limits of said Territory when this act shall gis ggiiamgig take affect, shall be, and they are hercbyt authorized and required to 6;;-,,,,;;, ,,,,,,;;,,.,6,; continue to exercise and perform the dutnes of then respecuve offices i¤ ¤m¤¢ tm Nw! as officers of the Territory of Oregon until they or others shall be duly

2; elected or appointed, and qualified to hh}! their btplaces in the manner

aimed sm., m herein directed or until their offices s all be a lished. Eu Nm; PIaF"F· Sec. 19. Aid be it further enacted, That the sum of Eve thousand ol-££{’){)°}’:;°;‘°f{} dollars bc, and the samp is hereby,. appropriated out of any moneys in brary. the treasury not otherwise `approprnatcd, to be expended, by and under the direction of the said governor of the Territory of Oregon, in the purchase of a library, to be kept at the scat of government for the use of the governor, legislative assembly, judges of the Supreme Court, secretary, marshal, and attorney of said Territory, and such other persons, and under such re ulations, as shall be rescribad b · law. I R¢S€¥V<¤i¤¤ ¤V SBC. 20. And ge it further enactedFThat whcnxhc lands in the sggilgir °s° °f said Territory shall be surveyed under the direction of the government of the United States, preparatory to bringing the same imo market, sections numbered sixteen and thirty-six in each township in said Territory shall be, and the same is hereby, reserved for the purpplsar of bein a lied to schools in said Territor , and in the States an crrit0r§csq?ercaftcr to be erected out of thesame. Urgtiiatherwise Sec. 21. And be it further enacted, That, until otherwise provided H:,vQ‘:,;dg:$;rn:{ for by law, the governor of said Territory may define the judicial dispray dchgre the tricts of said Territory, and assign the judges who may be appointed L‘:3;°’:Ls?‘;""iEé for said Territory, to the several districts, and also appoint the timgs judggg t§ [hem, and places fqr hpl$1ing_ coares in the several counticslor subdivisions m

if- each of san} judxcml drstrrcts by proclamation to be issued by rum; but

my 0,gmz8'af[ the lcgrslatryc assembly, at their firs? or any subsequent scssxop, may mr-, _¤¤·_ ymagry orgamze, alter, or modify such yudrcual districts, and assrgn the judges, $;‘;;;"£:‘“1 d"‘ and alter the tixgc and places of holding the courts, as to them shall seem roper an convenient. Cgrtain omega Sag 22. And be it further cnarted, That all ofricers to be appointed

2:;;$:f;:u$;;€ by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the S€|1H{€,

eys inu-uqned to {OT the Territory of Oregon, who by virtue of the provisions of any lnw

::'U°’d**b“”°· now existing, or which maybe enacted during the presant C0ngrc§S.

arc rcqurrcd to grve sccunty for moneys that may be mtrusted wnh them for disbursement, shall give such security at such time and place, and in such manner, us the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe.