Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/366

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340 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rss. 24, 25, 26. 1848. to the clerks of cause to be furnished to each of the clerks of the several District and

Efiggrsgrgr Circuit Courts of the United States a sufliment nurnber of copies of

Courts aeumeient Little and Brown’s edition of the Statutes at large, with those heretofore ggmlffrgg °°I;*:; received, to supply the clerk’s office at each place where said courts Brown edition are required by law to be held, one copy for the use of said clerk'; ¤f' the Law ¤f' office and of said courts. '£g_U'“t°db°°t°’* Approved, August 7, 1848. Aug. 10, 1848. [No. 24.] -J0int Resolution concerning certain Portions of the Marine and Ord-

-*""*"‘ nance Corps.

The omcers, Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United “°“‘°°‘““’l”°l°“‘ States of America in Congress assembled That the officers non-comed officers, &c., . . . . . ’ . ’ of the marina missioned officers, prtvates, and musicians of the marine corps, who ¤<>rI>¤, 31**;* b¤¤’¤m· have served with the army in the war with Mexico, and also the arti!]- ggrisg cers and laborers of the ordnance corps serving in said war, be porpeqvhoeerved placed, in all respects as to bounty land and other remuneration, in ‘“M°"°°·Pl“"°‘k addition to ordinary pay on a footing with the officers, non-commisas to bounty lan , . ’ . . . and other remu- stoned officers, pnvates, and musicians of the army : Provided, That ¤¤¤¤_¤¤¤» _<>¤ ¤· this remuneration shall be in lieu of prize money and all other extra footing with the allowances

 Sec. 2. lA11d be it further enacted, That the non-commissioned oiH·

_ N¤¤·¢°¤¤ml¤· cers of the marine corps shall be entitled to the same bounty for reén— stoned officers of 1- . h r. b . d b th . me rrrarrrrc corps rstment as IS now or may erea ter e receive y e non-c0mm1s- ao be errtitled to stoned oiicers of the army. rr;;‘x;‘r;};m°‘ '°é“' Approved, August 10, 1848. Aug, 11, 1848, [N0. 25.] -.3 Resolution granting to the Jackson Monument Cammiltcc certain -———-—— grass Guns and Mwlars, captured by General Andrew Jackson, and for other UTTDSZS. Resolved by the Smale and House of Representatives of the United The brassguns States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the °°P‘“'°d by °“‘ United States be and he is hereby authorized and requested to cause ptrhizigszg gl; to be delivered to the Jackson Monument Committee, in the city of gelgered me Washington, the brass guns and mortars captured by General Andrew

 Jackson at Pensacola, anu referred to in a statement of the Chief of

to be useul for the the Ordnance Office, dated fourteenth April, eighteen hundred and

 °f ° forty-six, to be used by the said committee as material for the construc-

` tion of the monument to that distinguished patriot; and the said com— Apmgonortyre mittee is hereby authorized to erect the said monument upon such P¤bl¤$= €¤’¤¤¤d ¤¤ portion of the public grounds in the city of Washington as maybe the city of Wash— - · · rrrgrrm granted as designated for that purpose by the President of the United States. a site lor said Anrtovi-:n, August ll, 1848. monument. Aug. ll, 1848. [No. 26.] -.0 Resolution concerning the Distribumm of the Statutes at large. _ Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mailed F°“’ °°P*°¤ °Y States of America in Congress assembled That the Secretary of State ErE£;°i:,m§e1r:E be authorized and directed to deliver to the Solicitor of the Treasury ered to the sou- four copies of the Statutes at large, for the use of his oibce, and for be Q;""` gfrnggf; kept and preserved therein as public property, and that the Solicitor orllheernee. be allowed the use of the library of Congress, subject to regulations of Bd$3:;¤;<;f the Joint Committee on the Library. library or- com Armovxzn, August 11, 1848. mess.