344 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 25, 37. 1849. last and the current fiscal years, five thousand five hundred and sixty- six dollars and forty-five cents. _ _ For S3; gwpydg, For the six swords ordered to be presented by U18 joint resolution, $90**0- approved March second, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, nine thousand dollars. In¤h‘¤m9¤¢= f¤r For instruments necessary for the aSlI’0¤0miC&l Observations directed
- rv';';;';‘;°“l°b` to be made in the soutlternnhemispherc by the act of August third,
$6400. i eighteen hundred and forty-eight, and for freight and expenses on the 1848, ch. 121. same, six thousand four hundred dollars. Amuzovao, January 26, 1849. _]·,m_ 26, 1g;g_ Crnr. XXV.·—·An Jlcl authorizing the Paymml oflnterest upon the Advaneigg -——————-———-— made by the State of Alabamafor the Use of the United States Government, in the Suppression of the Creek Indian Hastilitics of eighteen hundred and ¢}rirty-siz and eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, in Alabama. Ba it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Secretary ofWaz United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary
of War be, and he is hereby, directed to pay interest upon the advances
mndeby sms of made by the State of Alabama for the use of the United States Govern- Al°b°m”·· ment, in the suppression of hostilities by the Creek Indians, in eighteen hundred and thirty-six and eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, at the rate of six per centum per annum from the time of the advances until the principal sum was paid by the United States to the State of Alabama; and the sum so found to be due to said State be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That in ascertaining the amount of interest as aforesaid due to the State of Alabama, the following rules How interest shall govern: That interest shall not be computed on any sum which
- l£‘m'° °°"’P“t' Alabama has not expended for the use and benefit of the United States,
as evidenced by the amount refunded or repaid to the State of Alabama by the United States. Second, That no interest shall be paid on any sum on which the said State of Alabama did not either pay or lose interest as aforesaid. Approved, January 26, 1849. Feb. 1, 1849. CHAP. XXXVII. ·—An Jctfvr the Rcgqf of the forward Officers of the lam Explor- "_‘"""""‘ ing zpzdition. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives if the Extra Pay aI_ United {States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper bwed ,0,,,,,,1 aocouuting officers of the Treasury Department be authorized and p3lHcfrs_ or of directed, in the settlements of the accounts of the forward officers of P;‘£é’;:8the late Exploring Expedition, under the command of Charles Wilkes, Esquire, to allow them the extra pay of two hundred and fifty dollars per annum, credited to said officers on the pay-rolls rendered on the airivalfof Said expedition in the United States, agreeably to the direction o said comman er. lagésutkqsiwili Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the accounting ofnccrs of m be auowgggp the Treasury be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed, in the nga payrorsciem settlement of the accounts of Lieutenant Cadwnllader Ringgold, late Mc S°"*°”· commanding the United States brig Porpoise, attached to the Exploring Expedition, to allow and credit him in the extra pay for scientific duties, at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, and upon the principle applied to the accounts of Lieutenant W. L. Hudson, then commanding the United States sloop Peacock, attached to said expe mon. Avrxovnn, February 1, 1849.