Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/402

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376 THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 103. 1849. under the supervision of the Secretary of the Navy in making a practicable experiment of said invention according to the plan to be prot , posed and conducted by Professor Page. _ _

 For the construction, extension, and completion of the following

expenses at no- objects, and for the current repairs at the several navy-yards, viz.: ‘Vi,?:Q‘:;;0u,h At Portsmouth.-For completing powder magazine and smithery 1 ; $54,,529 53_ ’ for constructing commander’s quarters, timber shed. number twenty- eight, store-house number thirty, dock wall west of timber sheds; for paving timber shed number twenty-seven, wharf, and filling m rear of number four; for pitch house, engine house, and filling in low grounds; and for repairs of all kinds, fifty-four thousand six hundred and twenty dollars and fifty-three cents. Boston, At Boston. -—'1‘owards construction of sail loft and corda e store; $102*221 00 for stone wall and filling in south-west of ship house H; for cdalfhouse near blacksmith sho radin and avin avenue sixty-three; or anchor hoys and waterptaihk; ahd for liepaifs of all kinds, one hundred and thirty-two thousand two hundred and twenty-one dollars and fifty cents. Now York. At New York. —-For two officers’ houses, cob dock, dredging chan- 800*000 nels, filling in land purchased between navy-yard and hospital, fence on Flushing avenue, filling in timber pond, paving and gutters to avenue, and for repairs of all kinds, ninety-five thousand dollars. Phil°d0lPhl0» At Philadelphia. —-For two houses for officers ; for foundation and ’076’O27' slip of ship house G; extension of wharves number one, two, and three, to port warden’s line; for timber shed D; for raising smith’s shop, and for repairs of all kinds, seventy-six thousand and twenty- seven dollars. Xg§gl¤3*°“» At Washington.—For boiler and furnace for small steam hammer, 8 ’ °' and boilers for steam engines, numbers one and three; for building stone wharf; for large slide lathes,. plaguing machinesnslqafting, drums, borin , slottin , and drillin mac ines, and sma at es; and repairs cfg all kindg, forty-four theusand five hundred and thirty dollars. gfgpgtplk, gt 13fmfolk.——For séip nlumlper fogty-eight; continuatiopmof qpay • · wa s, 1 incr out tim er oc , ra inc, pavin , gutters, ing ow grounds,ghri:k stables, water cistgns, ehgine hchxse to smithery, coal house, and repairs of all kinds, one hundred and five thousand eight hundred and forty-four dollars. Pensaeolg, At Pensac0la.——For completing permanent wharf, smith, and ma- $200*013 0** chine shop, timber shed and mould loft, water tank, lime house, paint shop, dredging machine and lighters, and yard boats; for brick kitchen to officers’ houses, (eleven,) six first class, and six second class houses, and repagrs of all kinds, two hundred thousand and thirteen dollars and fifty- ve cents. Merggpiis, fit'M¢·mphis.-—For saw mill., one wing of store house; to complete $13*% · building for officers, blacksmith’s shop, and ]omer’s shop; for nrc engine, excavation, and embankment, piling on river bank, wall to enclose yard, guard house, and enclosure to commandant’s house, pavements, drains, and gutters, and repairs of all kinds, one hundred and thirty-six thousand five hundred and fifty-four dollars. $¤¤l<¤¤’S HM- At »S'ackctt’s Harbor.-For stables and fencing, and repairs of all "“’ $1000 kinds, one thousand five hundred dollars. Hospit¤1s,viz.= For Hospitals, viz. :— Boston, At Boston. —-For repairs to road, fences, wall, white-washing, and 81000* general repairs, one thousand five hundred dollars. Eg;'0Y°’k» At New York. -·— For completing small-pox building, finishing sewer, 8 ’dead·h0use, grading, brick barn, and stable, and general repairs, eleven washington thousand three hundred dollars. $160. ° At Washington. —For general repairs, one hundred and fifty dollars.