Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/407

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THIRTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 105. 1849. 381 For two buoys on the east and west oyster beds in Newark Bay, one BiO0- hundred dollars. For a lighthouse on the east point of Maurice River, Cumberland 8500% county, five thousand dollars. To provide surf boats, life cars, rockets, carronades, lines, and other BW»000· necessary apparatus for the better preservation of life and property from shipwreck along the coast of New Jersey, between Little Egg Harbor and Cape May, ten thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of such officer of the revenue marine service as may be designated for that purpose by the Secretary of the Treasury. Delaware.-For the foundation and construction of a lighthouse at Delaware. the Delaware Breakwater, ten thousand dollars. $1°·°°°· ilIaryland.—For two spar buoys at the mouth of Chester River, one Maryland, 8120 hundred and twenty dollars. Te1as.—For a light—boat on Galveston Bar, twelve thousand five Texas. hundred dollars. 312>500· For a lighthouse at Sabine Pass, seven thousand five hundred $750*% dollars. Illinois.--For the foundation and construction of a lighthouse at glgggli or near the end of the north pier at Chicago, fifteen thousand dollars, g ’ ` to be expended under the direction of the Bureau of Topographical Engineers, and the present lighthouse within the city, and the beacon light on the pier, shall be discontinued from and after the completion of the afbresaid lighthouse. For a lighthouse at the mouth of Calumet River, four thousand 8*000 dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Bureau of Topographical Engineers. Florida.-For buoys on and near the bar of Nassau River, on the £l0%*id¤» coasts of Georgia and Florida, in the neighborhood thereof, one thou- 8 ’ sand dollars. Michigan.-—For a lighthouse at the mouth of Muskegon River, ]£ggi8¤¤- three thousand five hundred dollars. 8 ' For a lighthouse on Manitou Island, Lake Superior, seven thousand $7500- five hundred dollars. For a lighthouse at Eagle Harbor, Lake Superior, four thousand 84000 dollars. For a Boating bell at Stanard Rock, Lake Superior, one thousand $1000. dollars. For a lighthouse on Skilagalee Rock, Lake Michigan, four thousand 34000. dollars. For a beacondight on the pier at New BuH`alo, seven hundred and 3750. fifty dollars. For a lighthouse at North Black River, Lake Michigan, three thou- $3500. sand five hundred dollars. For providing surf boats, life boats, and other means for the preser- $10,000. vation of life and property shipwrecked on the coast of the United States, ten thousand dollars, to be expended under the control and direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 2. And be itfur-the- marred, That if the Filth Auditor shall _Ip me ¤f1>r¤· report, in any of the cases herein provided for, that preliminary sur- l,‘;°§§‘,?:l,YA,;§§;;: veys are necessary to determine the site of a proposed lighthouse or oilcers of the light-boat, or to ascertain more fully what the public exigency demands, Q ,;;a;h° the Secretary of the Navy shall, thereupon, appoint one or more officers en;;?;,,?,, to of the navy, not under the grade of commander, to perform the ¤}¤k¤S¤¤’9F¤ ¤°<>¤ Iiiquired service; or when the expenditure is to be made under the iggzegf hghb direction of the Bureau of Topographical Engineers, the Secretary of War shall appoint one or more officers of the corps of topographical engineers, possessing the requisite skill and experience to perform the like service.