Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/463

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THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 16. 1850. 437 nt or interest shall be char ed on money so advanced; and that ¤<>¤ g . . . the Secretary of the Treasury may at any tame wxrhdraw the smd depusite, or any part. thereof, or may, atahis diecretion, allow the coins formed at the mint to be given for thexr equivalent in other money: Provided, That the bonds given by the United States treasurers and Pmviso. superintendents of the mint shall be renewed or increased at the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, under the operation of this act. Ammovmn, May 23, 1850. Can. XVI.—.¢9n Ac! authorizing the .N‘egatia1ion of Treaties with the Indian June 5, 1850. Tribes in the Territory of Oreg¢m,fo·r the Eztinguishment of their Claims to ‘····—·········· Lands lying west of the Cascade Mountains, azzdfor other Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That the President Comriiissiouers be authorized to a oint one or more commissioners to ne otiate ‘° be “PP°““€d» . . pp . . . . g and their duties uezmes wrth the several Indian tribes m the Temtory of Oregon, for d65H9d_ the extinguishmeut of their claims to lands lying west of the Cascade Mouhtaius; and if found expedient and practicable, for their removal easgcf suidlmouutainsg agsct, for obgaining their assent aug sulbrxiisgron tot e emsting laws regu ating tra e an intercourse wrt the u mu tribes in the other Territories of the United States, so far as they may be applicable to the tribes in the said Territory of Oregon; the compensation to such commissioner or commissioners not to exceed the rate heretofore allowed for similar services. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President be author- Superintendent ized, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint a of Iudml AHM" . . . . or Oregon to be Super1nte11deut of Indian Afaxrs for the Territory of Oregon, who appointed, shall receive an annual salary of twenty-five hundred dollars and Salary. whose duty it shall be to exercise a general superintendeuce ovzer all Duty. the Indian tribes in Oregon and to exercise and perform all the powers and duties assigned by law to other superintendents of Indian affairs. Sm:. 3. And be is furtluzr enacted Tha: so much of the act to P¤r¢¤f f¤rm¤ establish the territorial government og Oregon, approved the eleventh °‘°t I°P°a1°d' [14th] August, 1848, as requires the governor of said Territory to per- 1848, eh. 177. form tue duties of Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and authorizes him tg receive a salary therefor, in addition to the salary allowed for his services as governor, be repealed; aud that the governor of said Ter- G¤vem¤ro{Orritory shall hereafter receive an annual salary of three thousand §g°" “Sa ""Y· dollars. 3·°°°· b Sec. 4.. And be it further enacted, That the President be authorized, y and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint one or more Indian agents, not exceeding three, as he shall deem expedient, Iudim ggents eqch of Whom shall receive an annual salary of fifteen hundred dollars, *° be “PP°mt€d· g1V€ bond as now required by law, and perform all the duties of agent Salaries Md to Such tribe or tribes of Indians in the Territory of Oregon as shall hu"' belassxgnfectto him by the superintendent to be appointed by the provisions 0 this act, under the direction of the President. SE}:. 5. And be it further enacted, That the law regulating trade Mw¤¢¤ be ¤¤· and intercourse with the Indian tribes ease oft the Rocky Mountains, f§§g$§b‘;;°;pgQf or such·provrsions of the same as may be apphcable, be extended over fied. the Indian tribes in the Territory of Oregon. Sec. 6. And be ee further mama, That the sum of twenty-five A1>1>r¤1>ri¤*=i<>¤· thousand dellars be appropriated, out of amy moneys in Qehe treasury YK? 0th€l'WlS0 appropriated, to carry into efcct, the p!’0ViSiOI18 of this ac . Anrnovsn, June 5, 1850.