Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/494

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468 THIR.TY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. (Ju. 64, 65. 1850 to be subsequently transferred to any other State or place to be sold as Violation of mcrchaudizc. And if any slave shall be brought mto the S211d Distnct 3** {ft ztggzf by its owner, or by the authority or consent of its owner, conirary to ,;,,3: the provisions of this uct, such Slave shall thereupon become Iiberated and free. ogrpgiagious S¤ch2k A£zd be itfurfhcr engzgcd, Ehut 1Wha;i Ed maygxéluwful of as ¤S¥°¤ or eao 0 t c corporations 0 c cr ICS 0 as m on an eorgg-

Q€hg?;;§°t°°;: town, from time to time, and as often as may be necessary, to abate,

break up depots break up, and abolish any depot or placo of confinement of slaves °f "l"°“· brought into tho said District as mcrchandxzc, contrary to the provisions of this act, py such appropriate means as may appear to eigher of Levy Court of the sand corporations expedient and propgr. And the same power is ygggfggtugé hereby vested m the Lovy Courf of Wasflnrigton c0unty, 1f any attempt authority_ shall be made, within 1ts jurisdictional limits, to cstablishjrdepoz or place of confinement for slaves brought mto the sand District as merchandize for sale contrary to this act. Armovmo, September 20, 1850. Sept. 20, 1850. Cxnr. LXIV.—An Act to supply a Dqjiniency in the Appropriation for Pay and -—-—-- Mileage of Mzmbcrs of Congress for the present Seaman. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mileage and United States of America in Congress assembled, Thst the sum of one Pay- hundred and sixty thousand dollars bc, and the same IS hereby, arppropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of mileage and per diem of senators, members of the House of Representatives, and delegates in Congress, at the present Stationery. session : two thousand three hundred and thirty dollars for additional expense of stationery for members of the House of Representatives, EProvis0 as to during the present session: Provided, That the mileage of the senators "“1?“$°. f"°m and rc rescmatives from California, and the delegate from Oregon, bc Cahfomxa. and P . . . . . 0mg0n_ computed according to the moat usual travelling route within the hmits of the United States ; and the per diem of said senators and represontatives for this session shall commence from the day on which the Constitution of California was Grst communicated to the two Houses of Congress, respectively: contingenté,. rAnd that the sum of fifty thousand dollars, m addition to the sum §¤¤¢¤ ¤ °‘ already provided for, in the civil and diplomatic appropriation bill, bc, °p‘°°°°t° 1v°s' and and the same is hereby, appropriated for the contingent expenses Mn a .; d i? I; §? § q T § Al W B bb': z I1 f 'eago an n t at ug . mnt an mon . a 1 laccaumans or SW °f H· N· seats in the House of Representatives from New Mexico and Utah, mxth and A. W. . . ’ . . . B¤bbit,do1€&atos be allowed their par chem of Eve dollars, from the day of their arrival an f¢¤¤¤ I§%”t·h*>¤i· Washingfon, to the day when their claim to a seat was rejected by a vote °°pTQ,,iS0 °`of the ousc of Representatives; and, also, the sum of two thousand dollars each for their mileage: Provided, That no pct diem shall bc allowed, for any time previous to the commencement of the present scssnon of Congress. Approved, September 20, 1850. S°Pt‘ 20* 1g5o' CHAP. LXV. —-An Hot to repeal so much of the Act approved dcvcnlh of Hugiwf, 1g4g, 9h_ 150, eighteen hundred and farty-eight, as ozmnds me Provisions thereof to Macau. e,P%$;},d¥:;Q Be it znacied by t7uz Senate and House of Representatives of the from ministers United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the '3gU°°gi£:s°;g act " to carry into effect certain provisions in the treqtics between U18 reguds mmm. United States and China and the Ottoman Porte, giving certain yr 1