Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/499

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THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 73, 75. 1850. 473 Cmp. LXXIII.-——JIn {9ct to provide for carrying into Execution, in jnrther sept, 26, 1850, Part, the twewh Jrtzclc of the Treaty with Mexico concluded at Guadalupe ———-——--- Hidalgo. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of Providing for three millions three hundred and sixty thousand dollars be, and the Fgsmhgiffutdsg same is hereby, appropriated out of any money in the treasury not oth- 1Mgy 30, 1351, erwise appropriated, for the payment of the instalment and interest which will fall due on the thirtieth of May, eighteen hundred and fifty- one, under the twelfth article of the treaty between the United States and Mexico, made and concluded at Guadalupe Hidalgo, on the second of February, eighteen hundred and forty-eight. Approved, September 26, 1850. Cntr. LXXV. —An Act to establish certain Post-Roads in the United States. Sept. 27, 1850. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following post roads be, and the same are hereby, established in the States and Territories as hereafter expressed, viz. : in Jllaine. ——— From Buckiield, via East Sumner, Hartford, and Canton Maine. Mills, to Canton. From Buckfield, via Sumner, to West Sumner. From Bangor, via Hermon, South Levant, Exeter, West Garland, northeasterly part of Dexter, Sangerville, Guilford, Abbott, and Monson, to Moose-Head Lake. , From North Anson village, Somerset county, via East Anson, and East New Vineyard, to New Vineyard, Franklin county. From Exeter Corner, Penobscot county, on the Avenue road, to Abbott, in Piscataquis county. From Waterville, via Fairfield, Norridgewock, Madison, and Anson, to North Anson. From Port Fairfield, via Van Buren and Madawaska, to Fort Kent. From Bethel post-oliice, Oxford county, via Newry Corner, up Bear River, to Letter B. post-oliice. From Belgrade, Kenebec county, via Rome, Mercer, and Starks, to Industry, Somerset county. New Hampshire. — From Stewart’s to Pittsburg, in Coos county. New Hampshire. From Bellows’ Falls, Vermont, via Paper Mill, South Acworth, Lemster, and East Unity, to Newport, in New Hampshire. From Canaan, Vermont, to Pittsburg, New Hampshire. Vermont. —- From West Topsham, Orange county, to East Orange. Vermont. From Jamesville, in Richmond, Addison county, via West Bolton, Underhill, Cambridge, Waterville, Bakersfield, and West Enosburg, to West Berkshire. From East Burke, Caledonia. county, via East Haven, Newark, Brighton, Climbstone, and Morgan, to State line, in Holland. From Jamaica to Winhall, Bennington county. From West Wardsboro’, via West Dover, to Wilmington, Windham county. New York. —From Pierrepont Manor to Sacketts Harbor, Jefferson New York. county, on the line of the railroad now being made. _ From Adams Centre to Sackets Harbor on the direct road thither From Canajoharrie, Montgomery county, via Ames and Sharon Springs, to Sharon Centre, Schoharrie county. From Rome, Oneida county, via Stanwicks, Westmoreland, Walesville, Vernon, Vernon Centre, Knox’s Corners, to Oriskany Falls. Von. IX. Pun. —— 60