Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/542

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516 THIRTY—FIR.ST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 80. 1850. Norfolk. At No1gfoUc.——For storehouse number nineteen and gateway, wall across timber dock, completing engine·house to smithery and machinery, iron pipes to cisterns, magazine at Fort Norfolk, magazine keeper’s house, filling in space enclosed by quay walls, filling low grounds, making streets in yard, digging ori; dock, and for repairs of all kinds sixt ·two thousand five hun re dollars. P¤>¤¤¤¤¤l¤- At,Pengacola.- For extending permanent wharf; dredging, towards timber-shed, coal-house, extension of wharf and rail tracks near number twenty-six, lime—house, muster-house, and office for the clerk of the yard, and for repairs of all kinds, one hundred and ninety-seven thousand seven hundred dollars. Memphis. At Mcmphis.—For completing the following works, viz.: excavation and embankment, ropewalk and boiler·house, saw-mill, one wing of stone house, blacksmilh’s shop, joiner’s shop, tarring-house, offices, c0mmandant’s house, machinery for saw-mill; and for constructing a hemp-house, house for fire-engine, cisterns, pavements, drains, and ditches, and for repairs of all kinds, one hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars. bopackews Har- h A; S'1agkf:t’s_ Harbor.—For fences and repairs of all kinds, seven · un re dollars. Hospitals. For hospitals, viz.: Boston. At B0st0n.—For repairing, whitewashing fences, walls, painting, glazing, repairs of roads, &.c., one thousand dollars. New York. At New Y0r]c.—·For paving, grading, completing sewers, wall and fence round burying-ground, and current repairs, sixteen thousand dollars. Pensacola. At Pensac0la.—For general repairs, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Magazines. For magazines, viz.: Ilggfsgléuk At Boston, one hundred and fifty dollars. w,,,h,,,g,,,,,_ At New York, five hundred dollars. Qry docks. At Washington, one hundred and fifty dollars. IWW Y°Ik‘ For completing the stone dry dock at New York, one hundred and At Kittery. eighty thousand dollars. For completing the floating dry dock at Kittery, Maine, three hun- At Pssisaei- dred thousand dollars. Phill- For completing the floating dry dock at Philadelphia, three hundred At Pensacola. and seventy-one thousand two hundred and forty-two dollais. d d d For completin the Hoatin dr dock at Pensacola, four un re an Qn the coast or fourteen thousand three huntlredyand twenty dollars. _ C“l‘l°"'““· For commencing the construction of a Boating dry dock on the poalit of California, one hundred thousand dollars; and the Secretary o the Sectional or Navy is authorized to enter into a contract for the construction, with H;';,“'§%ik£'f;°"L§ all reasonable despatch, of a sectional, or balance floating dry dock, constructed at basin, and railway, at such harbor on the coast of the Pacific Ocean °“°l‘ l‘3“l’" °° 35 he may select, of a capacity and dimensions in no respect inferior

   to those of the dry dock in progress of construction at Pensacola:

Navy may direct. Provided, That by granting the said contractors permission if required P‘°““°· to prepare the materials chiefly at some harbor on the Atlantic scaboard, and advancing moneys thereon, as the works progress, the said works can be completed at a sum not exceeding by more than twelve per cent. the total amount contracted to be paid for the floating dock, basin, and railway at the Pensacola navy yard, with the addition thereto of what would be the cost of transportation to said coast of the said materials thus prepared, and with the reservation till the works are done of ten per cent., and the usual surety for the faithful performance of the contract; and the Secretary of the Navy shall also he authorized to enter into an agreement with the contractors, if they will keepthe said works in repair, and take proper care of the same, for any given period of years, free of charge to the government, to permit them to