Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/544

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518 THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 81. 1850. Fortscarnmcl. For repairs of Fort Scammel, Portland Harbor, Maine, five thousand dollars. Govemows Is- For repairs of fortifications on Governor’s Island, Boston Harbor, lamb B°S*°¤· ten thousand dollars. pm Wm6u_ For Fort Warren, Boston Harbor, thirty thousand dollars. Fort Inaepena. I For repairs of Fort Independence, Boston Harbor, five thousand dol- CDCG. afs_ pm Adams, For Fort Adams, Newport Harbor, Rhode Island, and permanent quarters and barracks thereat, thirty-five thousand dollars. Fort Trumbull. For building Fort Trumbull, New London, Connecticut, ten thousand dollars. Fort Schuyler. For Fort Schuyler, Long Island Sound, fifteen thousand dollars. FO,two,,d,N_ For repairs at Fort Wood, and sea wall, permanent wharf, and hos- Y· pital, Bedloe’s Island, New York, twenty-five thousand dollars. Fort Hamilton. For repairs of Fort Hamilton, and for permanent wharf thereat, New York Harbor, twenty thousand dollars. Fort Ricl1— For Fort Richmond, on Staten Island, sixty thousand dollars. ‘“°“d· For magazines at Battery, Hudson, five thousand dollars. £g:€%;,awam_ For Fort Delaware, on Pea Patch Island, fifty thousand dollars. sonery Point. For fort on Sollers’ Point Flats, Baltimore Harbor, fifty thousand dollars. Fort Monroe. For Fort Monroe, Hampton Roads, Virginia, twenty thousand dollars. Mm Creek For repairs of Mill Creek road and bridge, near Fort Monroe, eight ’°“d· hundred dollars. Fort Moultrie. For preservation of site of Fort Moultrie, Charleston Harbor, three thousand five hundred dollars. Fm Sumter- d Bur Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, forty thousand ol ars. Dyk<->,Charles- For dyke to Druken Dick Shoal,Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, °°“ H""b°" ten thousand dollars. pmt Johnson_ For preservation of site at Fort Johnson, Charleston Harbor, live thousand dollars. For repairs of quarters and barracks at Fort Johnson, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, four thousand five hundred dollars. Fort Pulaski. For Fort Pulaski, including quarters and barracks, Savannah River, Georgia, lifteen thousand dollars. Fort Jackson. For repairs of Fort. Jackson, Savannah River, Georgia, twenty thousand dollars. Fortlttorgan. For repairs of Fort Morgan, and additional barracks and quarters thereat, Mobile Point, Alabama, fifteen thousand dollars. Fmt B¤¤¤¤· For Fort Barrancas, and barracks thereat, Pensacola Harbor, thirty- ms' five thousand dollars. Fort Jackson. d Por repairs of Fort Jackson, Mississippi River, twenty thousand o ars. _ Fort sr, Phu. d got repairs of Fort St. Philip, Mississippi River, thirty-five thousand ¤P~ dollars. Fort Pike. For repairs of Fort Pike, and additional barracks thereat, Louisiana, five thousand dollars. Fort Wood, For repairs of Fort Wood, and additional barracks thereat, Louis- L"· iaua, ten thousand dollars. ',£;*;’·°*Y Bi¢¤· For Battery, Bienviewe, Louisiana, four thousand dollars. T,,,},,. Dupm For Tower Dupre, Louisiana, two thousand dollars. Key West. I For fortifications at Key West. Florida, seventy-nve thousand dollars. Garden Key. I For fortifications on Florida Reef, Garden Key, fifty thousand dollars. Approved, September 28, 1850.