Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/563

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THIR.TY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 90. 1850. 537 tools, wire, twiiie, leather, nails, chains, and posts, boxes, straw, whitewashing, manure, trees for grounds, attendance at the western gates of the Capitol, repairs of public stables, flagging, enclosures, doc., keeping in order iron pipes that convey water to the Capitol and public offices, and repairing damages by freshets; brooms, brushes, wooden spades, and shovelling snow, repairing abutments at Tiber Creek, gravelling the walks in the Capitol grounds, inclosing and improving the public grounds at the north, south, east, and west of the Capitol, the open triangular spaces on Pennsylvania [Avenue], for relaying and repairing ilag pavements in the building, terraces, and western approaches, &.c., and for other incidental repairs and improvements, twenty thousand dollars. For annual repairs of President’s house, garden, and laborers, grav- Pi-esident’s elling the walks in in President’s Square, manure, leather, nails, tools, h°“’°• °*°· &.c., and repairs of fence at Lafayette Square, Fountain Square, President’s Square, and President’s garden, cartage,&.c., four thousand live hundred dollars. For improving the grounds in Lafayette Square, and fencing the Lafayette same, three thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the S‘1“"°· President of the United States. For compensation of four assistants, draw-keepers at the Potomac Potomac bridge. bridge, including oil for lamps and machinery, firewood, and repairs, tive thousand dollars : Provided, That the allowance to the two assist- Proviso. ants employed in keeping the southern draw of said bridge shall be two dollars per day. For lighting Pennsylvania Avenue, from Capitol Square to the Lighting Penn- Treasury Department, and compensation of two lamp-lighters for the :{;"‘“""·A'°"“°· same, and for lighting the Capitol and Capitol grounds and President’s ` house, eleven thousand dollars. For compensation and contingent expenses of auxiliary guard, six Auxiliary guard. thousand seven hundred and seventy-five dollars. For repairs of the bridges on the eastern branch of the Potomac, pay ReP=}irs, sto., of two draw-keepers, oil for lamps and machinery, and for reimbursing ¥;",:;;d$E:au`$‘ to the corporation and Levy Court of Washington City the sum of six ` hundred and fifty dollars advanced by them for repairs already done, five thousand dollars. d {or completing the improvements on Indiana Avenue, three thousand uindiana Ave- 0 ars. “ · For grading, gravelling, repairing sidewalks, building culverts, and New Jmey otherwise improving New Jersey Avenue, north of the Capitol, three AV¤¤¤¢· thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the commissioner of public buildings. For like improvements on New Jersey Avenue, from the Capitol Square to public reservation number seventeen, according to such grade as the corporation of Washington may hereafter establish, two thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the commissioner of public buildings. For paying a balance due Peter Gorman, for furnishing stone for Peter Gorman. paving Pennsylvania Avenue, two hundred and sixty dollars and sixty- live cents. For completing the gravelling on Four-and-a-half Street, from Ma- Four-and-in fyland Avenue to the arsenal grounds, and flagging the west side, one half S"°°°‘ thousand two hundred dollars. For the support, care, and medical treatment of twelve transient psu- _Twe1ve ppgients PH medical or surgical patients in the Washington Infirmary, two g°°° thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the commissioner of public buildings: Provided, The physicians and surgeons Proviso. of the aforesaid iniirmary give bonds for the maintenance of twelve pauper transient patients during one year, if application be made for Vox.. IX, PUB. — 68