Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/583

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THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 91. 1850. 557 October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, twenty-five thousand dollars. For payment to David Taylor, representative of Cul-sut—tee-hee, or David Taylor, Hog, for proceeds of property sold by the United States agents, and §l¥°S*g¤¤iK¤ of erroneously paid by Governor P. M. Butler to another than the rightful ,,Q‘§f,1g_ °°` °°’ claimant, said claim having been allowed by the accounting officers of the treasury, seventy dollars and eighty-seven cents. For continuing the collection, and for publishing the statistics and Collecting inother information, authorized by the act third March, eighteen hundred f°§'&;*°*; 66 and forty-seven, ten thousand dollars: Provided, That such publication 1>roJi:o.‘ l be made under the direction of the commissioner of Indian atfairs, 1851,ch.12- and the number of copies not to exceed twelve hundred. For an advance to the Chippewas of Mississippi and Lake Superior Payment _ or of this amount retained by the late sub-agent, J. P. Hays, the same to {)';,°“_fY P’°'Q:°f be reimbursed to the United States when recovered from said sub-agent enn-ngen];, y ’ or his sureties, one thousand three hundred and eighty-two dollars and twenty-nine cents. For an advance to the Wyandott Indians of this sum retained by the Payment _ or late sub·agent, Richard Hewitt, the same to be reimbursed to the {)';°§€Zha:$t§::€ United States when received from said sub—agent, or his sureties, eight nt, enrnngent, hundred and twenty-eight dollars and nine cents. For interest due on investments in stocks of the State of Michigan, Interest oninheld in trust by the Secretary of the Interior for the time being, for the v°S"“°“°" benefit of the Cherokee Indians, the same to be reimbursed to the United States out of the interest when collected, nineteen thousand and eighty dollars. For payment to S. B. Lowry, for services rendered as interpreter and S- B· Lowry- assistant conductor to a delegation of Winnebago Indians who visited the seat of government and concluded the treaty with that tribe, of thirteenth October, eighteen hundred and forty-six, three hundred and five dollars. For payment to Henry M. Rice for articles of outfit furnished the Henry M. Rice. Winnebago delegation who visited the seat of government and concluded the treaty of eighteen hundred and forty-six with that tribe, seven hundred and sixty-two dollars and ten cents. For payment to Henry M. Rice for expenses as one of the delegates Henry M. Rice. from the Winnebago "nation to the city of Washington in eighteen hundred and forty-six, and compensation for valuable services rendered the government in the negotiation of the treaty concluded at that time, six hundred and seventy dollars. For the reappropriation of the following sums carried to the surplus _ Re-appropriafund per warrants dated, respectively, thirtieth June, eighteen hundred “°“· and forty-six, thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, and thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, viz. : For payment to the Winnebago Indians of certain unexpended bal- Uneipended ences of sums set apart for certain objects in the treaty of eighteen lalzgii ":“*h° hundred and thirty-seven, but not required therefor, and carried to the as ` surplus fund, twenty-nine thousand two hundred and eighty-eight dollars and forty-nine cents. For carrying into eifect treaty with Sacs and Foxes of Mississippi of Treaty with eleventh October, eighteen hundred and forty-three, per act third March, SM! md F°x°s' eighteen hundred and forty-three, two hundred and eighty-eight dollar and ninety-nine cents. For arrearages of annuities due Cherokees, per act of twelfth June, Arrearages duo eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, thirty-nine thousand eight hundred °l*°’°l‘°°“· and seventy-one dollars and ninety-two cents. For expenses of delegation of Seminoles to Florida, per act of second Delegation or March, eighteen hundred and forty-one, one Iiousand six hundred and g.‘{;';;'::l°° t° eleven dollars and thirty cents. '