Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/614

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588 THIRTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 20. 1851. been prepaid, three cents, and five cents when the postage thereon shall not have been prepaid ; and for any distance exceeding three thousand miles, double those rates. For every such single letter or paper when conveyed wholly or in part by sea, and to or from a foreign country, for any distance over twenty-five hundred miles, twenty cents, and for any distance under twenty-five hundred miles, ten cents, (excepting, however, all cases where such postages have been or shall be adjusted at different rates, by postal treaty or convention already concluded or hereafter to be made;) and for a double letter there shall be charged double the rates above specified; and for a treble letter, treble those rates; and for a quadruple letter, quadruple those rates; and every letter or parcel not exceeding half an ounce in weight shall be deemed a single letter, and every additional weight of half an ounce, or additional weight of less than half an ounce, shall be charged with an DIOP l¤ff¤r¤· additional single postage. And all drop letters, or letters placed in any post-oflice, not for transmission, but for delivery only, shall be Advertisedlet- charged with postage at the rate of one cent each; and all letters ““‘ which shall hereafter be advertised as remaining over or uncalled for, in any post-office, shall he charged with one cent in addition to the regular postage, both to be accounted for as other postages now are. Rates of post- Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all newspapers not exceedgffs °Qe,3°‘l.fg;; ing three ounces in weight, sent from the office of publication to actual the omee or pub- and bona jfde subscribers, shall be charged with postage as follows, to

fg%l°¤ tv Sub- wit
-All newspapers published weekly only, shall circulate in the

m` mail free of postage within the county where published, and that the postage on the regular numbers of a newspaper published weekly, for any distance not exceeding fifty miles out of the county where published, shall be five cents per quarter; for any distance exceeding fifty miles and not exceeding three hundred miles, ten cents per quarter; for any distance exceeding three hundred miles and not exceeding one thousand miles, liftcen cents per quarter; for any distance exceeding one thousand miles and not exceeding two thousand miles, twenty cents per quarter; for any distance exceeding two thousand miles and not exceeding four thousand miles, twenty-five cents per quarter; for any distance exceeding four thousand miles, thirty cents per quarter; and all newspapers published monthly, and sent to actual and bona fda subscribers, shall be charged with one fourth the foregoing rates; and on all such newspapers published semi—monthly shall he charged with one half the foregoing rates; and papers published semiweekly shall be charged double those rates; tri·weekly, treble those frggtheg rates; and ofteuer than tri-weekly, five times those rates. _And there Ek2u1a;,, Pm_ shall be charged upon Ievery other newspaper, and each circular not odicals, &c, sealed, handbill, engraving, pamphlet, periodical, magazine, book, and every other description of printed matter, which shall be unconnected with any manuscript or written matter, and which it may be lawful to transmit through the mail, of no greater weight than one ounce, for any distance not exceeding five hundred miles, one cent; and for each additional ounce or fraction of an ounce, one cent; for any distance exceeding five hundred miles and not exceeding one thousand live hundred miles, double those rates; for any distance exceeding one thousand five hundred miles and not exceeding two thousand Eve hundred miles, treble those rates; for any distance exceeding two thousand five hundred miles and not exceeding three thousan five hundred milesifour times those rates; for any distance exceeding three thousand five hundred miles, five times those rates. Subscribers to all periodicals shall be required to pay one quarter’s postage in advance, and in all such cases the postage shall be one half the foregoing rates. Bound books, and parcels of printed matter not weighing over thirty- two ounces, shall be deemed mailable matter under the provisions of