Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 9.djvu/632

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606 THIRTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I1. Ch. 32. 1851. tendent and three watchmen of the south-west executive building, one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. For contingent expenses of said building, namely, for labor, fuel, and lights, one thousand six hundred and seventy-five dollars. For miscellaneous items, one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. Post-amos de- Post-Office Dqpartment.—-For compensation of the Postmaster- P“"'“°“t· General, six thousand dollars. For compensation of three assistant postmasters-general, clerks, messengers, assistant messengers, and watchmen of said department, ninety-five thousand nine hundred dollars. For compensation of the superintendent of the post-office, two hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation of temporary clerks, one thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of said department, viz. :-—— For blank books, binding, stationery, fuel for the general post-office building, oil, gas, and candles, printing, labor, and day watchman, nine thousand seven hundred dollars. For miscellaneous items, eight hundred dollars. For repairs of the general post-office building, for office furniture, glazing, and whitewashing, one thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation of the auditor of the post-office department, and the clerks, messenger, and assistant messenger in his oince, one hundred and three thousand two hundred dollars. For contingent expenses, viz.: blank books, binding, stationery, labor, printing, blanks, circulars, and miscellaneous items and furniture, nine thousand two hundred dollars. _ Intercourse Intercaurse with Foreign Natians.—For salaries of the ministers

 f°"*€“ m' of the United States to Great Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, Spain,

Sn,,;,,, of Brazil, Mexico, and Chili, seventy-two thousand dollars: Provided, !é1l¤l=;t¤r=B t _¢¤ That the act entitled "An Act to carry into effect the convention &Q‘Q” " “°’ between the United States and the Emperor of Brazil," concluded on Act of l8»50, the twenty-seventh day of January, eighteen hundred and forty-nine,

’;‘·f(?;c;°“t‘°“°d shall be, and the same is hereby, continued in force for the period of

' one year from and after the first day of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-one. secretaries of For the salaries of the secretaries of legation to the same places, l€8¤U°¤· sixteen thousand dollars. Tu,&k,y_ For salary of minister resident to Turkey, six thousand dollars. For salary of the dragoman to the legation to Turkey, twenty-five hundred dollars. For salary of an assistant dragoman and secretary to the legation to Turkey, fifteen hundred dollars. Charges des For salaries of charges des adaires to Portugal, Austria, Denmark, ¤H°·i¤'¤*· Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Naples, Sardinia, the Papal States, Peru, New Grenada, Venezuela, Buenos Ayres, Bolivia, Gautemala, [Guatemala,] Eucador, [Ecuador,] and Nicaragua, seventy-six thousand five hundred dollars. Contingeutsx- For contingent expenses of all the missions abroad, forty thousand P°“‘°“· dollars. d §`or contingent expenses of foreign intercourse, thirty thousand 0 ars. Barbary Pow- For expenses of intercourse with the Barbary Powers, nine thousand °"’· dollars. Consul at Lon- For salary of the consul at London, two thousand dollars. 'l°'50mm,ss,mm For salary of the commissioner to the Sandwich Islands, three thouto sanwsar rn- ¤¤¤<l <l<>ll=·¤¤- ands. For interpreters, guards, and other expenses of the consulates at Constantinople, Smyrna, and Alexandria, fifteen hundred dollars. d §or office rent of the consul at Basle, in Switzerland, one hundred o ars.